Parent Teacher Conferences


Parent Teacher Conference is coming up on Wednesday 17th -Thursday- 19th of December.

I will be doing a 25-30 minute conference with each student. I will be putting together a schedule which you may email me and let me know what will work best for you.

Please plan on having your child come with you to this special event. It is a great time to discuss goals and progress and have your child present his/her portfolio of work which they have been working on up to this point.

Please look at the schedule which I will post over the weekend so you can plan on picking a date and time.

Thank you so much for your continued support to your child’s education.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan



The diorama which is the next upcoming home project is due any time before the Thanksgiving break. 

If your student can prepare and present sometime next week I would appreciate that. This would be the 18th-21st.

Thank you for your support and help with your child.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

SNACK SCHEDULE – 2019 remainder

Just wanted to post our snack schedule for the remainder of 2019.

  • November 4-8 –Kohen and Burklee
  • November 11-15 – Kally
  • November 18-20 – Julianna
  • December 2-6 –  Coleman
  • December 9-13 – Nikaylee
  • December 16-20 – Oliver

This is the remainder of the year with snack. I will be starting a new list here in the next couple of weeks. If you know at this point when you can help out for a week starting on Monday- January 6, 2020 then please let me know by email.

I truly, truly appreciate your support for our class.  We have some awesome children and I’m so proud to have them a part of my learning adventure this year!

Ms. Leslee


Hey Mma!
We are having a coat swap this Friday the 15th. Right after school in the little gym. From 3-4pm.

Bring in your kids coats that don’t fit any more washed and ready for a new home! Then come pick out a ‘new to you’ coat that fits your kids who’ve grown a foot or 2 🙂

If you can’t make it to the swap on Friday, we have an IKEA bag in the front by the MAPA bill board for you to leave your donations in.

Thanks in advance for all your help and support!!

‘One mans junk is another mans treasure!’

PS. it’s that time of year to clean out the lost and found, so be sure to go though them and see if there’s any lost treasures our kids have misplaced! I know I found one of each of my kids 😉
Thank you all and see you Friday!

Heather Koci
Mapa Vice President