Daily work cycle

Each student in our class is starting to become familiar with a small amount of work cycle activity this week. I am continually being instructed by my instructional coach as to how to best implement this in our classroom as the “works” and the cycle of the Montessori method is being introduced to me little by little.

I would ask that your student please try their best every day and accomplish what they can. I have awesome students and I know they are capable of wonderful results.

I continue to praise them and acknowledge their hard work. As parents I would ask you to please continue to help your student to realize the importance of daily work and daily growth.

“Grace and courtesy” are continually being implemented in our daily discussions. The students are working well with one another in the classroom and there are many relationships being formed.

Thank you to each parent/guardian for helping your child to come to school each day and making their choice to succeed. Maria Montessori Academy is a fantastic school and we are blessed to have so many resources and resource staff to help your child to grow and become the best they can.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan