

Well, we are over a month into the school year!  Only eight more to go!  We are off to a great start so far.  We have established classroom routines and are fully into our work cycle.  Most of the students were so anxious to get to work that it was a smooth and beautiful transition.  We have a few holdouts, but for the most part, everyone is eagerly working and craving new lessons.

One part of our routine that many students are struggling with is our student planners.  We started using our planners the second week of school.  They should be coming home and getting signed every day and then coming back to school.  Please ask your student about their planner if you haven’t been seeing it.

Our first field trip on Friday was wonderful!  It was a beautiful day and we learned lots of interesting things about our country’s history.  Thank you to all of the parents who helped make this a success.  We couldn’t do field trips without you!  We actually have three field trips coming up in October.  The first on is for 4th graders only on October 4th.  We will be going to the American West Heritage Center by school bus.  We won’t need any chaperones for this trip.  Be looking for a permission slip to come home this week.  Our whole class will be going to see Newsies at Weber High on October 25th and to Hogle Zoo on October 31st.  Please keep these dates in mind and let me know if you are available to help transport students or chaperone.

Ms. Petra and I love you children.  We have enjoyed getting to know our new students and reconnecting with our returning students.  Thank you for giving us the opportunity to teach them.  Please reach out with any questions or concerns.  kgonzales@mariamontessoriacademy.org