All good things must come to an end…

I hope all of you have enjoyed your Spring Break!  I know I have.  I’m a little sad that it is coming to an end.  Its always a great time to relax, refresh, renew, and refocus.  Hopefully we are all ready for the push to get through the end of the school year.  Only seven more weeks!  I know I always say that time is moving quickly, but I really think this year has been the fastest school year ever.  We still have learning to do, so encourage your students to hang in there and not give up quite yet.

Its that time of year when we begin SAGE testing.  I know that this is not anyone’s favorite thing, but please encourage your children not to worry or stress out about these tests.  This is an opportunity for them to show what they know and how much progress they have made over the school year.  Our class is testing on April 10, April 13, April 25, and May 9.  Please plan for your children to be at school on these days.  It is important that they come to school well rested, well fed, and relaxed.  Please also have your child come prepared with a water bottle, a healthy snack, and a book that they will enjoy reading in case they finish early.

Here are some other dates to be aware of moving forward.  The 4th grade Utah History Fair projects are due this Thursday, April 12th.  As a reminder, students are free to research anything having to do with the state of Utah.  They should make a tri fold board that can be displayed for the fair.  They should also be prepared to present their projects to our class.  I believe that the final meeting for students attending the Redwoods and their parents is on Wednesday, April 18th.  I will let you know when I have confirmed the date and time.  The 6th graders will be going on a field trip to the planetarium on April 24th.  Be watching for permission forms to come home soon.  The 6th graders also have a state study due on April 25th.  They should have already brought home this assignment.  Ask them about it if you haven’t seen it yet.  The 4th and 5th graders will be doing a final continent/country report to finish out their home projects for the school year.  I will send home the details for this project later this week.

I love your children.  I love teaching them.  I am proud of all of their accomplishments.  I am so grateful for all of you and your support.  I love Ms. Petra and I’m so grateful to be able to work with her every day.  She is a wonderful example of love, kindness, and acceptance.  Don’t tell anyone, but I truly believe that we have the most amazing class in the whole school.  We aren’t perfect, but we are perfectly imperfect!  We are continually working as a class every day to find solutions to our problems and be the best we can be.  I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

As always, please let me know if you have questions or concerns.  My e-mail address is  Please use this e-mail rather than sending a message through the blog.


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