

I hope you are all doing well!  I know I am enjoying the little glimpses of sunshine and warmer temperatures that we are getting.  I look forward to Spring!  Things are very busy right now in our class.  Here are some things you need to know.

Biography book reports were due yesterday, March 6th.  I have really enjoyed all of the presentations so far!  I look forward to seeing the rest of the reports tomorrow from those that are late.

We are having our special classes tomorrow instead of Thursday, so students should come prepared for PE.

Thursday is our field trip to the State Capitol!  I am so excited!  Students should arrive at school and be picked up at normal time.  They should be wearing nice clothing and dress appropriately for the weather.  They also need a sack lunch that does not need to be heated in the microwave.  Their lunch should include a drink/water bottle.  We will be traveling by school bus.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

March 14th is Pi Day!  Our class loves to celebrate Pi Day and learn all about circles, diameter, radius, and calculating pi.  The favorite part of Pi Day is eating pie, of course!  We will be baking apple pies as a class, but we’d love to have you sign up to bring a pie that day to help us celebrate.  Please sign up if you can bring a pie and let us know what kind you are bringing so we don’t get too many repeats.

March 17th is an early release day and there is no school on March 20th!

The 4th and 5th grade students all have a large home project that they should be working on.  The 4th graders should be preparing for the Utah History Fair.  Their projects are due on April 17th.  They received a packet of information about their project a couple of weeks ago.  If you haven’t seen it yet, ask your child about it.  The 5th graders should be preparing for the STEM fair.  Their projects are due on March 27th.  They also received a packet of information to help them prepare their projects.  Please help your students plan appropriately for these assignments and avoid procrastinating until the last minute.  They will be given limited class time to work on their projects, but they should mainly be done at home.

On March 29th, the 6th graders will be going on a field trip to the Planetarium in Salt Lake.  A permission slip should be coming home soon.  This field trip is an important reinforcement of the things that we are learning in science this year.

March 31st is our annual class egg drop!  Look for more information as this day gets closer.

Last but not least, Spring Fever is setting in for many of the students.  Please reinforce with your children at home that it is important to respect their classmates and teachers and do their best to meet expectations and follow the rules.  Your support is greatly appreciated!

Thanks for all you do!  I love your children!


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