
I can hardly believe that it is already October!  This year is going by so fast.  It has been a wonderful, busy, and fun first six weeks of school.  At this point, we are fully engaged in work cycle, special classes, and cultural lessons.  Your students are becoming more and more independent in planning and completing their works.  In fact, most of them are thriving under the responsibility.  We have had many math lessons over the last two weeks and it feels good to be making progress.  The fifth graders had a breakthrough during their decimals lesson last week that literally had me cheering and doing a happy dance!   Your students are working hard and learning lots!

Your children did a great job on their book reports last Friday!  It was the most students I have ever had turn a home project in on time.  It is also one of the only times I have ever had every student in the class turn in a book report.  Hooray!

I want to give one last push for our class’s food drive.  We have only filled our barrel halfway and we’d really like to fill it up before we turn it in.  Please bring in some food if you are able!

We have three field trips coming up this month.  The 4th graders have a field trip to the American West Heritage Center on the 12th.  The whole class is going to the Nature Center on the 24th from 9-11 AM.  I was also able to schedule a field trip to the Hogle Zoo on October 31st.  If you are a certified driver and would be willing to help drive for the Nature Center and Hogle Zoo trips, please let me know ASAP.

Just FYI, we ran out of time to write down our new spelling and vocabulary words in our planners on Friday.  You can check the planner for the new words tomorrow.

Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful children with me.  They are making progress and doing great!  Please e-mail me with any questions or concerns.  kgonzales@mariamontessoriacademy.org