This Week


I hope you are all enjoying your holiday weekend!  I just wanted to remind you of a few things that are coming up this week.

Tuesday-Friday are all early out days.  Please pick up your child at 1:00 PM.

Don’t forget to sign up for parent teacher conferences here:

There was a mix up about pajama day.  Tuesday is not pajama day.  Students may wear pajamas on Friday for the dress down day instead.  Please see my previous post about the other spirit days.

I promised the students that we could have a class store before the end of the year.  We will hold our class store on Wednesday morning.  Students may sell things that they no longer want, items that they have made, or they may provide a service.

Thursday at 10:30 AM is the 6th grade graduation.  Families of 6th graders are encouraged to attend!  We have decided to have a Best Wishes Breakfast before the graduation.  This breakfast will be for our entire class to honor our 6th graders and wish them the best as they transition into Jr. High.  Parents of 6th graders only are invited to attend with their students if they would like.  Breakfast will begin at about 9:15 AM.

Please let me know if you have any questions!
