Spelling Words

Here are this week’s spelling words:

Green:  I apologize!  This list is at school.  I will post it tomorrow.

Blue:  calf, claw, couple, cushion, flap, groom, share, shelter, yard, zero

Orange:  average, border, cocoon, flutter, moisture, nectar, process, span, suitable, timber

Yellow:  aloft, attain, buffet, elude, flammable, hover, inflate, jeopardy, moor, plummet, pollute, propel, stationary, superb, swivel

Red:  abhor, affable, amiss, despondent, entreat, haunt, impel, interminable, irascible, profound, recluse, reverberate, sage, tirade, tremulous

The blue list is new this week.  The students who struggled on the orange list should try the blue list this week.  The students who had it too easy with the green list should also try the blue list this week.  Let me know if you have questions!



Veteran’s Day Assignment

I gave your students an assignment for Veteran’s Day.  It is due on November 11th.  They are to interview a veteran or research a veteran by reading a book, etc.  They should think of relevant questions to ask about their military service.  If they have trouble writing down the answers, they can ask for permission to record the interview.  They can present their report in whatever way they are comfortable.  They can do a powerpoint, a poster, a written report, or any other creative way they can think of!  Let me know if you have any questions!