Snack Sign-Up for 2017-18

Please sign-up for two weeks to provide snack for the classroom with the following link:

There is a philosophical reason behind snack time in the Montessori Method.  Your child will gain the skills of helping to prepare (cutting apples, etc) and clean up snack and serve their classmates. This teaches leadership and is one of the children’s favorite activities. We will be teaching healthy eating habits and ask that healthy snacks be brought for this time. We really need your help for this food preparation/snack time to work.  Fresh produce from your garden is a welcome,as well as baked goods. Ideally, we ask that you provide snack twice during the school year.

Suggested Healthy Snacks

 Any fresh fruit or vegetables


Graham Crackers

bagels or bread with cream cheese or butter

Dried fruit such as raisins or fruit leather

Granola or granola bars


            Gluten free dry cereal


            Rice cakes



 Snacks do not need to be assembled beforehand.  Teachers assist children with this.

 Please! No candy, sodas, chips/Cheetos, and drink mixes.


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