Week 4 – Updates and Home Project

The days are shorter, the evenings crisper and the mornings darker.  It’s hard to believe we are entering our 4th week of school and that autumn is just around the corner.

Classroom Expectation

Planners: Each day your child should be bringing home their planner, an important communication tool between the classroom and home.  Please take a few minutes each evening to review your child’s day with them and sign to acknowledge their plan.  You can write them a note of encouragement, a reminder or questions that you may have for me.   I check planners daily as your child enters the classroom.  Helping your child form good habits now will go a long way in their educational journey.

Weekly Work Evaluations: Each week your child fills out a weekly work evaluation and brings it home for you to review.  The purpose of this evaluation is to check in against the plan they create, set goals for the following week and reflect on their learning.  Student’s who do not complete this evaluation at school are expected to complete it at home.  Please sign your child’s evaluation weekly and return it to school with them on Monday.

Parents who are actively involved in their child’s learning, will avoid surprises during parent teacher conferences.  A simple way to be involved is through daily planner and weekly evaluation checks.

Back to School Night

Back to School Night is this Thursday from 6-8:00 pm.  If you attended the “Sneak – a – Peak” before the start of the school year, there is no need to attend on Thursday.  I will be reviewing the same information.

Home Project – Due Wednesday, October 3

Our first home project assignment has been set.  Your child was given the assignment on Friday.  I am linking the project requirements here in case your child did not bring home their paper, or in the event you need to print an additional copy.  Although there are many theories regarding how the first people came to North America, we have been studying the migration of people from Siberia to North America by way of the Bering Land Bridge.   In order for our students to have a broader understanding of the First Nations, they will be choosing a Native Cultural Region as well as a tribe that inhabits (or once inhabited) this area.

Native American Research Project

Native American Research Project Rubric

Freedom’s Light Festival – Friday, September 21

We rely on parent drivers for our class (and level) field trips.  I understand that some of you are transporting other students in other classes because you have more than one child in upper elementary.  If we do not get enough drivers, we will not be able to participate in this trip.

If you are able to drive students for our first field trip, please contact our Room Mom, Natalie Monsen. velleasegray@gmail.com


Have a fabulous week!


Week 3 – Class and School Wide Updates

During the past week of school, your children took numerous assessments that will help Ms. Kari and I design instructional groups that will best serve the students in our class.   We learned a lot about starting points for your kids, as well as areas for whole class review.

This coming week the entire elementary begins specials rotations.  In addition to specials, our class will be participating in shared science with Ms. Kirsten and Mr. John.   I’m sharing the schedule here so that you know where your child will be at any given time during the week.

Science and Specials Schedule


  • Science 1:15-2:30
    • 4th grade Mr. John
    • 5th grade Ms. Amity
    • 6th grade Ms. Kirsten


  • Art 11:40-12:30


  • Computers 9:45-10:35
  • Music 10:50-11:40
  • PE 12:20-1:10

Class Expectations –  Please remember to review your child’s planner with them each night.  Your signature indicates you have reviewed their day.  Set up a routine at home to review your student’s work and learning for the day.  This is the easiest way to understand what they are (or are not) doing each day.   I do check planners each morning for your signature.

Upcoming events: Don’t forget, Back to School night is Thursday, September 13.

Have a fabulous long weekend!

1st Week Recap

Like all good things, the first week of school flew by!

Your kids began learning classroom and school expectations, participated in team building activities and had their first lessons in math.  We read stories about the first day of school around the world (It’s Back to School We Go), the importance of being kind (Each Kindness), and a retelling of Booker T. Washington’s first experience with reading (More Than Anything Else).   Each of these books sparked writing and discussions about family and cultural traditions, the consequences of our actions (both good and bad) and the importance of education.

We kick started our studies of the Universe by reading a version of the Greek Myth of Icarus called Icarus at The Edge of Time.   After the story and discussion, students worked in small groups to order objects in the Universe from smallest to largest.  This group’s ability to explain their thinking backed up with evidence is amazing!  Ms. Kari and I feel blessed with this class full of thinkers.

Your child should have brought home their planner each day this week as well as a weekly work evaluation on Friday.  Please make sure you are reviewing and signing planners daily and reviewing and signing the work evaluations on Friday.  Reviewing planners and evaluations is a  great way to begin a conversation with your child about their work in the classroom.  You will begin to see their planners fill up as we dive into more work each week.  By mid-September your child should have quite a bit of work for you to chat with them about.

Thank you all for getting your child to school on time each day.   Work begins as soon as your child walks into the classroom, and lessons often start promptly after the bell rings.   Being on time allows your child to participate fully in each day’s activities.

Finally, our first class field trip is on Friday, September 21.  We are going to The Freedom’s Light Festival, a celebration of the Constitution.  I will reach out to you all with carpool needs within the next week and permission slips will go home after Labor Day.


Snack Sign Up 2018-2019

In the spirit of following Dr. Montessori’s recommendations for child nutrition, and in order to align with school policy for snack, our classroom will be participating in child/family provided snack.  Students will provide and prepare snack for 30 students.

Please adhere to the approved items as it will streamline snack time and eliminate messy spills and stains in our classroom.  Because of food allergies, we have a no tree nut snack policy in our class.  If you are providing snack for our class, all food must be tree nut free. 

In order to ensure that snack does not become a distraction, our class is limiting the approved items to the following list:

  • Mini bagels with cream cheese
  • Fruit (ex. apples, clementines, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, cucumber, melon – cut at home, grapes, cherry tomatoes)
  • Cheese Sticks
  • Veggies (ex. carrots, broccoli, celery)
  • Crackers with cheese (pre-cut)
  • Granola Bars (no chocolate chips please)
  • Fruit Leather (no fruit snacks or fruit roll-ups please)
  • Mini-muffins
  • Whole Grain bread with jam

Please do not send popcorn, cereal, chips and salsa or ranch dressing.  These items will be sent home with your student.

If your child is bringing their own snack, please ensure it is a healthy one.  Chips, Cheetos, cookies, fruit snacks or other items high in sugar are not appropriate and will be saved until lunch.

First Day of School – Tuesday, August 21

Welcome Back!   We are all excited to have your kids back in school Tuesday, August 21.   Please take time to read through this entire post, and the Classroom Management Plan – 2018-2019.  By doing so, many of your first day questions will be answered.

The first couple of weeks of drop off and pick up can be overwhelming for everyone.  While everyone is acclimating to procedures in the parking lot, please remain patient and follow the directions of the teachers and volunteers.   To ensure you are not distracted, please be sure to put your cell phone away while you are in the parking lot.  Driving on school grounds while texting or calling is dangerous.

  • Please pull forward as far as possible to ensure the flow of traffic runs smoothly – Do NOT stop in front of the doors to drop of your child
  • Children should enter and exit the vehicle on the curb side and should NEVER enter a vehicle that is not at the curb
  • Please allow your child to walk into the school independently – Ms. Kari and/or myself will be outside to meet your child on the first day of school – pull all the way forward and your child can walk to our location
  • Make sure your child knows your family’s drop off and pick up plan prior to the first day of school (Do they ride home with a carpool?  Do they walk home on sunny days? Should they meet you at North Shore?).

During the first week of school, we will be spending more time outside than usual as we build classroom community.  I strongly recommend students apply sunscreen in the morning and bring a sunhat to wear while outside during activities and recess.   Hats will be kept in their locker while we are inside the building.

Don’t forget to review the School Supply List as well as the School Supply Preparation document (so you know how to help your child be prepared for the first day of school).

We can’t wait to start the year!