6th Grade Redwoods Intent Due

The annual 6th grade field trip to Alliance Redwoods is May 5-10.  If your student is planning on attending this life changing trip, a $50 deposit and their intent to attend form is due Friday, November 9.

Intent forms are available in the office.

Hogle Zoo Field Trip – Important Information

Our next field trip is right around the corner.

Next Wednesday, October 31, our class will be joining Ms. Kirsten’s class on a field trip to the zoo.

This field trip is unique in that non-school age siblings are able to attend and we typically get more parents than are required by the zoo.  Please understand that any number of parents beyond the 5:1 student to adult ratio are required to pay their own admission.  In order to make this as fair as possible, the first 5 chaperones who have already signed up, will receive free admission.    If you plan on bringing non-school age siblings, you are also required to pay admission.

A reminder to notify our room mom, Natalie,  if you are planning on driving your own child.  This way we have all students accounted for.  Please do not make alternate ride arrangements without communicating your plans with her.

Lastly, we will be abiding by MMA policy regarding field trips and dress code.  Please be sure you review this policy if you have any questions.

October Progress Reports

In order to make the best use of our time during Parent Teacher Conference this week, I will be emailing a copy of your child’s progress report to you.   This will give you an opportunity to review their report prior to our meeting time.  By doing this, it is my hope that I will be able to address specific questions and concerns rather than spending our entire time looking over the report card together.

As a reminder, we have 1:00pm early release each day this week (Monday-Wednesday), and no school on Thursday and Friday.




October Parent Teacher Conference Reminder

Parent teacher conference begins next Monday, October 15.  In order for me to best serve you during these conferences, I ask that you sign up prior to the weekend.  When you sign up in advance, I am able to have everything in order for your conference time.

Please sign up for a PTC time October 15-17 at this link.

Look for October 2018 – PTC Ms. Amity on the event list.

Fall Festival Volunteers Needed!

Please see this message from our room mom.
Just wanted to say thanks to those of you that signed up to help out for fall festival and have brought hair color spray already!
I’m still looking for as much hair color spray as we can lay hands on, as this will ensure we can run this booth all night. So far I have enough for probably the first hour. Please turn in donations any time this week to Mrs. Amity’s room and we will collect it for the booth on Friday.
I’m also looking for additional volunteers for the following time slots so we can have two people running the booth at a time. Team work is dream work!
I need one volunteer for each time slot, feel free to sign up for more than one if you are able to, that would be a huge help!
Clean up (7-715pm)
Thanks again everyone, I very much appreciate all of your help with this!