Pre-Holiday Pancake Breakfast

Good Morning!

Our class will be having a pancake breakfast on Friday, December 19th.    This is a great way to end our year before coming back in January.

Please sign up to support our pancake breakfast if you are able.  We will need donations of food, electric griddles and time in order for this breakfast to be a success.

You can sign up at the wejoinin link here, or in the sidebar.


Weekend Update

Happy Friday!

We had a fantastic author assembly today.  Author Gary Hogg did a writing workshop with your children.  They were all very engaged, and they all learned a lot.    If your children are interested in ordering a book (or several books) written by this author, I will have an order form on the blog tomorrow afternoon which you can print off and send with your child on Monday with payment.  Gary Hogg will autograph the books and they will be delivered back to our school.  His simple approach really hooked the children and in the end, I believe they, or should I say we, will all be better writers because of it.


A reminder for the sixth grade students – Native American Research Projects are due on Monday, November 17th.   If you have any questions about your child’s project, please email me.  As stated before, these projects were mainly done in class with finishing touches needed at home.

Book reports are due this coming Friday, November 21.  As discussed in class, these reports were intentionally due before fall break so that your children did not have to think about them during the holiday family time.  This also will give your children time to begin working on their country reports for the International Festival.

Picture retakes are Tuesday, November 18.  If your child missed school photos the first time around, this is your opportunity for retakes.

Have a wonderful weekend!




IXL Homework is Posted

This week’s IXL homework is posted.  So sorry for the delay.  The homework directly relates to lessons we have had over the last week and a half.  Please set aside 20 min/night to work on this homework.



This entry was posted on November 12, 2014, in General.

MMA Cafe

Please support our Jr. High!


MMA Cafe

Every Wednesday the Jr. High is hosting a “lunch truck”.  Students can purchase lunch items and the proceeds will support the Jr. High’s fundraising efforts.



This entry was posted on November 10, 2014, in General.

November 10 Updates

Happy Monday!

I hope you all had a nice weekend enjoying this warm weather.

We have a lot of things happening this week.

Tuesday, November 11 we will begin our interim SAGE testing.  We are not making a big deal about the testing; however, we want your children to do their best and we will be testing all day.  Please make sure your child gets a good night sleep and a healthy protein packed breakfast.  In addition, please pack a healthy snack that can be eaten during testing. Healthy options include apples with peanut butter, cheese sticks, whole grain crackers and hummus, veggies and dip.  Please do not send items that are loaded with sugar as the energy your children derive from snack and lunch needs to sustain them throughout the day.

Wednesday, November 12 from 6:30-8:30 is Get Down and Dirty with Montessori Materials.  An email with details was sent out by the office in addition to details in the November newsletter.

Friday, November 14 is an early release day for professional development.   Please make arrangements to pick your children up at 1:00pm.  We have an assembly this day as well.  Local author, Gary Hogg, will be presenting.  An order form will be coming home with your children today in the event that you would like to purchase his books.

Today we will begin talking about our annual international festival and the expectations for this home project.  This will be taking place December 17th and 18th and is always a favorite of the students.

New IXL assignments will be coming home today.  These assignments support the lessons your students have had in the classroom over the last 2 weeks.  Please encourage your children to practice this work, it does have an impact on their ability to progress through the curriculum and provides another avenue to practice their test taking skills.

In addition to IXL, we now have a writing practice program called Utah Compose.  For those of you familiar with Utah Write, this is replacing that program.  This version is much nicer and has far more resources.  We began an introductory run during class last week, but this will become an at home writing assignment.  New prompts will be given on Wednesdays and are due the following Tuesday by 6pm.  In order to be able to design lessons that will address your child’s needs, the writing must be completed by this deadline.  Your child’s login and password can be found in the back of their planner.

That feels like enough for this update.

Have a wonderful week!