
SAGE Science

A reminder that our final SAGE will be administered tomorrow, Thursday, May 14.  In addition to a healthy protein packed breakfast and lunch, please make sure that your child eats a healthy dinner and gets a good night sleep so they can perform their best on the science exam.

Students should bring a healthy snack as well as a book or other silent activity to help them pass the time once they are finished with the exam.

Thank you!

6th Grade Redwoods Essay

Good Afternoon!

Ms. Stephanie has assigned the 6th level students who attended the field trip to the Redwoods a reflection essay.   The essay must be a minimum of 4 paragraphs including an introductory paragraph and a conclusion.  One paragraph highlighting what they learned in relation to key science lessons (Pond and Stream, Geology and Stream and Healthy Forests) and one paragraph reflecting on what they learned about themselves in relation to challenge, teamwork and communication.

This essay is due Friday, May 8.



May Parent Teacher Conference

Can you believe it is already almost the end of the school year?  Neither can I!

Come see what your child has accomplished during this last trimester of school and learn how you can help your child stay up to date, and prevent the summer slide, at our May parent child conferences.

This last round of conferences are child led.  Please sign up for a 20 minute conference spot May 26-28 at the following link.

The conference link can also be accessed on the sidebar.

April/May Book Report and Attendance Expectations

The upcoming book report for April/May is due Monday, May 4.   Any 6th grade student going on the field trip will have an extra week to turn it in.  If they turn it in before the field trip, they will receive extra credit.  We have been discussing this in class for the last two and a half weeks and the expectations for the book report came home today.  You can view the expectations on the book report page of the blog.

The genre is Historical Fiction and the format for the book report is a letter to/from the main character.   Though the expectations state that students will be graded on proper grammar, exceptions will be made for letters from the main character where the character speaks in a dialect or another language.

On a different note, it is more important than ever that your child be at school every day, and be on time.  The time we have left before the end of the year is crucial learning time.  It is extremely difficult to catch up lessons when we are covering so much each day.   We have two more weeks before our Math SAGE test (Monday, May 4) and 3 more weeks (which will pass in a flash) before our Science test (Thursday, May 14).  Although the exams do not necessarily reflect everything your child knows, or is capable of, they cannot do their best if they are not present for the lessons and practicing during class time.

If you have any questions about testing or the book report please let me know.

SAGE Testing Schedule

The state mandated annual testing window is quickly approaching and I wanted to let everyone know when our class is expected to test.  Please be aware that we are juggling testing schedules for 6 grade levels and flexibility is a must.  As it stands, we have been given our “final” testing schedule for language, math and science.

Language: Wednesday, April 15

Math: Monday, May 4

Science: Thursday, May 14

We have been lucky enough to have access to computers for each child in the classroom for the past two Wednesday mornings for students to practice using the SAGE testing software and to test student skills in math and language.  If there is a SAGE homework assignment it is imperative that your student practices at home.  There are many nuances in the software that students will have a difficult time navigating if they do not take the time to practice.  A new SAGE homework assignment will be available Friday, March 27 and will close Thursday, April 2.  This assignment may take 20 min/day to complete.  Some may finish more quickly than others, this is the nature of our kids, moving at their own pace.

I cannot stress the importance of your children becoming familiar, through practice, with the SAGE software.

If you find your students are unable to log in, please let me know as soon as possible.  I will be out of town, and unreachable for a portion of spring break, so do not wait until the last minute to let me know of technical difficulties.

Have a wonderful evening.