
Science Fair Judges Needed

On behalf of our science fair committee:

Volunteers Needed for Science Fair

We are in need of food, judges, and scorers for the Science Fair on Wednesday, February 21st.

If you (or anyone you know) are interested in the opportunity, please sign up here:

For more information, contact:

Michelle Olsen (

John Edwards (

Nicoletta Householder(

This entry was posted on February 1, 2018, in Volunteer.

Happy New Year!

As we welcome 2018, setting new resolutions and goals, it is important that we don’t forget how much we have already accomplished so far this school year.  Reflecting on our successes (and failures) is one way we grow stronger as a classroom, and school, community.

This month our classroom focus is working together in partners and groups.  Some students are naturals at guiding a group, and staying on task, yet others need more guidance and practice in order to master this important skill.  Students will discuss what group work should “look like” and “sound like”, each person’s role within the group, and how to hold each other accountable.

As a teacher, it is my job to hold your child accountable to the work expectations of the classroom.  For students, this sometimes means doing things they might not want, but need to do in order to progress and be ready for the next lesson.   As a parent, it is your job to hold your child accountable to the same expectations at home.   If you have any questions about our expectations, please review the Classroom Management Plan – 2017-2018 .

The start of 2018 is like the start of a new school year.  It is important that your students are present and on time every single day.  Entering the classroom as few as 5 minutes late means important instruction has already been missed.  With nearly 30 students enrolled in our class, there is no time to spare repeating instruction for students who are consistently late.  Students should be in class, ready to work at 8:30.  Please make sure your child arrives with plenty of time to visit lockers and change shoes before the bell rings.

Let’s work together in 2018 and make the rest of the school year amazing!


Please watch for more information regarding these upcoming events:

January 30 – Chili Cook-Off

February 1 – State Capitol and Pioneer Museum Field Trip

  • 3 Parent Volunteers Needed (no siblings)

February 8 – Astro-Camp Field Trip (date change, more info coming)

  • Parent Drivers to location and 3 parents needed to stay (no siblings)

March 14 – JA Biztown (5th grade only)

  • Parent drivers and volunteers needed






I want to thank everyone who made today possible!  Thank you to those of you who donated food, time and helped cook and clean up.  This was our biggest pancake breakfast yet, and I think it was a big success.

Thank you to the parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings etc. who came to eat breakfast with our class.

From the bottom of our hearts, Ms. Kari and I thank you for the gifts you and your children gave!

Stay warm and safe this winter break, we will see you all next year!

Annual Winter Pancake Breakfast

Our annual, pre-winter break, pancake breakfast is next Thursday, December 21.  Parents should arrive at 10:00 for a short “program” followed by delicious pancakes, fruit and drinks.

A sign-up sheet to donate items, or time, can be found here.

Your child should have brought home an invitation last Friday.  Please RSVP by returning the form with your child no later than this Friday,  December 15.  Please include the number of people attending (excluding your child), so we can prepare accordingly.

This entry was posted on December 11, 2017, in Volunteer.

MAPA Wants You to Volunteer!

Please review this message from MAPA.


Maria Montessori Academy Parents Association (MAPA) is very excited to announce effective December 1, 2017,  we will be using Track it Forward to schedule and record volunteer hours.


We feel that using track it forward will help us provide the most positive experience possible when signing up for,  and recording volunteer hours.  This program allows MAPA to send out reminders for sign ups, families to track their hours on their own electronic devices,  and help us become a more centralized Montessori family.


Families are asked to donate 40 volunteer hours a year to the school.  The MAPA presidency is trying to provide as many opportunities to complete this act of service yearly.  Track it Forward will allow families an easier way to sign up to volunteer.


In sending your children to a Montessori school you are taking the initiative toward bettering your children and families.  MMA’s mission statement is “Education for a better world.”   By volunteering you are providing opportunities to help make this a better world. 


Albert Einstein said,  “Only a life lived for others is worth living.” 


By volunteering,  you are giving of yourself to your children and the children of others. Volunteering does not have to be a big sacrifice of time away from the family or involve monetary contributions.   Many teachers at the school offer opportunities to volunteer at home,  and MAPA has opportunities to volunteer where you can bring your children. 


Ways you may be volunteering and not even know. 

· Attending a MAPA meeting

· Room mom calls and asks you to cut something out or bring something to the class

· Coming into the school and reading with children

· Bringing in food for an activity


MAPA,  in cooperation with the MMA,  is trying to say “thank you” to those that have sacrificed time and volunteered this year by giving those families with 10 service hours completed an “act of service.” The details are still in the works,  but we want everyone to know we appreciate and value all of those that have volunteered.


You can sign up using Track it Forward two different ways: 

  2. Email with your family’s last name and the names of your children and we will send you an invite.  Once in,  you can track your family’s hours and sign up for volunteer hours. 

Again we appreciate all that our wonderful MMA families do!!! 


Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” — Elizabeth Andrew

This entry was posted on December 2, 2017, in Volunteer.