
Important Year End Dates

Final Sage Test – Science

  • Monday, May 15

Spirit Week

  • May 15 – Crazy Hair/Hat Day
  • May 16 – Crazy Sock Day
  • May 17 – Mix and Match Day
  • May 18 – PJ Day
  • May 19 – Dress Down Day (No Logos – Bring sunscreen and sun hats for field day)

Final Week of School – Early Release 1:00pm all week long 

  • May 22-26 – Early release 1:00pm
  • May 22-24 – PTC – sign up here
  • May 25 – 6th grade graduation – 10:30 – Gymnasium
  • May 26 – Last day of school


May 2017 Parent Teacher Conference

Can you believe it is already almost the end of the school year?  Neither can I!

Come see what your child has accomplished during this last trimester of school and learn how you can help your child stay up to date, and prevent the summer slide, at our May parent child conferences.

Your child will present their portfolio to you at this time, please be sure they are present during this time. There are individual and group times available.  If you sign up for a group time, it is an open house format.

Please sign up for a 20 minute conference spot May 22-24 at the following link.


Week 26 – Update

Parent Teacher Conferences are next week.  Your child is expected to attend this conference with you, as they will be leading the conversation.  Taking the opportunity to reflect on learning is an important step to really understanding why we come to school each day.   Sharing their success and challenge will help them continue growing in our classroom.  If you haven’t already, please sign up for a conference time at this link.

Beginning this week, we will be adding a weekly Utah Compose assignment to our homework expectations.  You can find the weekly essay expectation under the Utah Compose tab at the top of the blog.  After each mini-lesson, your child will have some time to get started in class, but will need to spend time at home as well.  I have stressed the importance of reading the piece aloud to a parent or older sibling in order to get feedback.  Often, when we read to ourselves, we miss mistakes or errors we have made.  Reading aloud will give your child the opportunity to catch those mistakes with your help.

We will be having a Valentine exchange next Tuesday, February 14.  I have emailed a list of names and guidelines.  If you have any questions, please let me know.




February 2017 Conference Sign Ups

Believe it or not, the next round of conferences are approaching.  These conferences are student led.  Please plan on your student joining you for this conference when they will share their work, and tell you how they are doing in class.

Sign ups can be found on the side bar and here.  Please sign up early for the best selection