
6th Grade Redwoods Essay

Good Afternoon!

Ms. Stephanie has assigned the 6th level students who attended the field trip to the Redwoods a reflection essay.   The essay must be a minimum of 4 paragraphs including an introductory paragraph and a conclusion.  One paragraph highlighting what they learned in relation to key science lessons (Pond and Stream, Geology and Stream and Healthy Forests) and one paragraph reflecting on what they learned about themselves in relation to challenge, teamwork and communication.

This essay is due Friday, May 8.



SAGE Testing Schedule

The state mandated annual testing window is quickly approaching and I wanted to let everyone know when our class is expected to test.  Please be aware that we are juggling testing schedules for 6 grade levels and flexibility is a must.  As it stands, we have been given our “final” testing schedule for language, math and science.

Language: Wednesday, April 15

Math: Monday, May 4

Science: Thursday, May 14

We have been lucky enough to have access to computers for each child in the classroom for the past two Wednesday mornings for students to practice using the SAGE testing software and to test student skills in math and language.  If there is a SAGE homework assignment it is imperative that your student practices at home.  There are many nuances in the software that students will have a difficult time navigating if they do not take the time to practice.  A new SAGE homework assignment will be available Friday, March 27 and will close Thursday, April 2.  This assignment may take 20 min/day to complete.  Some may finish more quickly than others, this is the nature of our kids, moving at their own pace.

I cannot stress the importance of your children becoming familiar, through practice, with the SAGE software.

If you find your students are unable to log in, please let me know as soon as possible.  I will be out of town, and unreachable for a portion of spring break, so do not wait until the last minute to let me know of technical difficulties.

Have a wonderful evening.


SAGE Practice Homework

This is just a reminder that your children have SAGE language assignments due on Thursday.  Out of 26 students only 3 have begun (or completed) the assignment.  This is mandatory.  Not only is it good practice in language, it will help familiarize them with the ins and outs of the program they will be using to test.

Please make sure they have completed the assignment by Thursday, March 19.


Cultural Update March 16-27

We are finishing up History units for all grade levels and moving into a new unit of Botany study.  I am trying out a new method for the students to know what is coming and what their expectations are regarding this next unit.

If you have other students in our school their teachers may already be using “study guides” for their work expectations and project tracking.  This is new territory for me, but I’m excited to try it and think the students will like it too.  The study guides can be found at the Study Guide page at the top of the blog.  I will update these each time we move to a new unit of study.  We will be in Botany until Spring Break and will then move into another Geography Unit.

I welcome any feedback to the study guides that you may have.  This tool will evolve as the year moves on in order to maximize its usefulness.


SAGE Assignment update

Good Morning.

The current SAGE language assignments are available today.  I will be pulling kids aside individually to ensure they know how to log in and access their assignments.

Due date for the current assignment is March 19.

If you have any questions regarding the expectations for practice, please let me know.