
Weekly Update and IXL Homework

Good Evening!  I hope you all had a fantastic three day weekend!

We have a lot of things happening in our classroom this week, the first of which is your child’s first IXL homework assignment.

Each week your child will be given an assignment in IXL.  The assignments have several purposes: to review previously learned material (from 3rd or perhaps even 2nd grade), to practice newly taught material in a format different from that they see in the classroom, and to practice skills using language that they will see on end of year testing.  This homework is by no means “teaching to the test” nor is it meant to drill your children to death.

IXL homework should take, on average, 20 minutes each night.  If your student is not able to earn the “badge” at the end of each session, or score a minimum of 80,  within that amount of time, I have asked them write a note in their planners letting me know that they may need more help with a particular concept.

IXL logins are in the back of your child’s planner (along with Utah Compose and SAGE which we have not accessed yet).  The link to login can be found here as well as at the top of the page under IXL.   Please do not allow your child to reset or change their passwords.  If they are unable to login, please let me know and we will troubleshoot from school.

In addition to being written in your child’s planner, the IXL homework will be posted at the IXL page weekly.  This week, because of the holiday, students will have until next Monday evening to complete their homework.  Typically homework will be given Monday and is due Sunday evening.   As discussed in class, this homework is not optional.  The school has purchased a license for each student to be able to practice and it is an expectation that they are following through.  As will all homework and home projects, any that are not completed on time, will receive a pink slip notifying you they are not complete and asking your child to create a plan for completion.

If you do not have internet access at home, please let me know either with a note in your child’s planner or an email and we will make arrangements for your child to practice IXL during class time.

Tomorrow, Gary Hogge, a local children’s author, will be visiting our school to do an assembly.  Each grade level will then have their own break-out session either tomorrow or Thursday for further writing instruction.  He has come to our school several times in the past, is a fantastic educator, and the students learn so much from him.

Stay tuned for more updates coming later this week.


Links to Class Papers, Projects and Permission Slips

I make an effort to post PDFs of all important papers, project details and permission slips in the event that they don’t make it home to you.    You can find documents on the blog using the link on the top of the page title PDF or by following this link here.

Thank you to those of you who were able to make it last night!  It was a pleasure meeting new families as well as seeing some familiar faces.

Important Dates and Back to School Reminders

We are now a little over a week away from the start of a new school year and I wanted to send out a few reminders.

  • If you had a child in my class last year, be sure that they have completed their summer homework.  The homework is due the first day of class.  For a reminder of the homework please take a look at the original post.
  • Please be sure your child has prepared their school supplies according to the instructions previously posted.  Having these supplies ready to go will get us off to a great start!  You can revisit the list and the preparation guide here.

Important Dates:

  • Thursday, August 13- Montessori 101 for Parents 6:30-7:00
  • Thursday, August 13- Back to School Night (parents) 7:00-8:00
  • Friday, August 14- Student Orientation, Level 4/ new students 2:00-2:45
  • Monday, August 17- Friday, August 21- First Week of School Early Out 1:00 (Please make arrangements for your child to be picked up at this time)
  • Thursday, September 3- 6:30 pm 6th grade parent meeting regarding student volunteer hours, committees and 6th grade commitments
  • Saturday, September 19- 8:00 MMA 5k, 9:00am Pancake Breakfast (great volunteer opportunities for both parents/ students- if you are interested in volunteering for either of these events please email Teara Galbraith at

Back to School Night:

Please plan on joining me and Ms. Kari for back to school night on Thursday, August 13 at 7:00pm.  I will be going over my classroom management plan with you as well as answering any questions you might have.  There will be an informative session called Montessori 101 at 6:30 if you are new to our school.  There will be a playground supervisor available to watch your kids so that you can be distraction free during this presentation.

New Student Orientation:

Ms. Kari will meet your children outside of the school on Friday, August 14 at 2:00.  Please drop them off at the curb, following the guidance of our parking lot attendants.  This orientation is for 4th level students and any student new to our school.  Orientation ends at 2:45.

Feel free to email me with questions at arockwell (at) mariamontessoriacademy (dot) org


School Supplies and Supply Preparation

School Supplies 2015-2016

*Please read the school supply preparation letter before labeling supplies.

White 2” 3-ring Binder (Working Binder)

White 1” 3-ring Binder (Portfolio)

25 page protectors (to be used for student portfolio)

2 pkgs wide rule notebook paper (one will be placed in the working binder, the other will be held in the classroom supplies until needed)

2 pkg dividers (5 subject with pockets)

2 wide-ruled composition notebooks (black)

1 five-subject notebook (any color)

Low-profile clip board

2 pkg Ticonderoga Pencils (Must be Ticonderoga please.  Other pencils are not the same quality and the lead breaks easily)

1 pkg 24 colored pencils

1 pkg water colors

1 pkg of 4 multi-color vis-a-vis wet erase-markers (fine point)

1 highlighter (any color)

1 small bottle Elmer’s school glue


Pencil box

2 boxes Kleenex

Handheld pencil sharpener (optional, but helpful)

1 flashdrive  (optional, but helpful)

1 roll paper towels (optional, but helpful)

1 container Clorox wipes  (optional, but helpful)


*School Supply Preparation

Ms. Amity


The school year is about to begin!  I’m so excited to have your kids back in class.

Prior to the first day of school, your child will need to prepare their school supplies.  The only items that should be labeled with your child’s name are listed below, everything else will go into the classroom supply cupboard for later use.

Please assist your child in following the directions below.

Working Binder

  • Create a spine label with your first and last name (we will make covers for the binders during the first week of school)
  • Place 5 dividers in your working binder
  • Label a tab for Language, Writing, Handwriting, Math, Cultural
  • Behind each tab place approximately 25 sheets of paper


  • Place 5 dividers into portfolio
  • Place 5 sheet protectors behind each divider
  • Create spine label with your first and last name (we will label tabs and create cover as part of an in class activity)

Pencil Box

  • Label with first and last name and Rm. 24
  • 5 sharpened pencils
  • Colored Pencils
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • glue
  • Flash Drive
  • Highlighter
  • Scissors

Thank you for assisting your child in being prepared for the first day of school.  Having these items ready to go will help our class get off to a great start!







Summer Homework

Because I feel strongly that children, and adults for that matter, need to practice what they know in order to retain it each of your kids will have summer homework.  A letter was sent home with your child on Tuesday outlining the expectations.  This homework is due the first day of school, August 17.   I am sharing the letter that was sent home with your children in this blog post.  The links provided in the post are only ideas for practice, your child may choose any way they would like to practice as long as they log the date, activity, skill practiced and amount of time spent.   If you need the passwords for the scholastic sites, please email me.  They were provided to your children in the printed letter, but I did not include them in this post for obvious reasons.

In addition to the required reading and math I will be unlocking all essays on Utah Compose for your children to practice as well.  I highly recommend your children practice their writing this summer.  Writing in Utah Compose will give them instant feedback and allow them to revise their essays to improve their writing skills.  We will be spending a lot of time writing next year and practicing this summer will give them a jump start for next school year.

Summer Homework

Summer is here and so are those long lazy days that seem to zap your brain of everything (or at least a lot) you worked so hard to learn this year.  In order to avoid losing too much of that hard work, you will have summer homework.  Now, don’t worry too much, it won’t take up your entire summer break.  In fact, it will take about 20 minutes a day.  What fraction of the time you are awake will this homework take?  Let’s turn that into your first math problem of the summer.

Let’s say you sleep for about 12 hours a day this summer which gives you how much awake time?  That’s right, 12 hours.  How many minutes are there in 12 hours?  A number sentence for the problem would be the number of minutes in each hour (60) multiplied by the number of hours (12).  12 x 60= ?  That’s easy to do in our heads if we remember our magic zeros from the grey tower.  12×6=72 then we add a zero because we wanted to multiply by 60.  The answer to the first part of our problem is 720 minutes in 12 hours.

But we aren’t done yet.  Remember the question we are trying to answer.  What fraction of the time you are awake will this homework take?  Let’s turn the information into a fraction.  20 minutes of homework out of 720 minutes you are awake is a fraction of 20/720 (for you 5th and 6th level students let’s write that in simplest form by dividing your fraction by the highest common multiple, which happens to be 20= 1/36).  That fraction converted to a percent (I’ve done it for you since you will learn that skill next year) is 2.7%  That’s less than a nickel of your time if you think of it in terms of money, heck that’s less than 3 pennies of your time.

See how we turned the amount of time it would take for you to do your homework into a fantastic word problem?  FUN!!

Summer Homework Assignment Due the First Day of School, August 17th.

10 Hours of Math Practice – IXL, Workbooks, Cooking, Gardening, Lemonade Stand are a few ways you can practice your math skills.

Dynamath –

Scholastic Math –


2 Book Reports – Read to books of your choice with a minimum of 100 pages at your reading level.  Complete a summary of each book complete with book title, author and number of pages.

 As always, if you have any questions please let me know.