
Science Fair

We had a great discussion about science fair today during class.

For our 4th grade students, science fair is an opportunity to experience the scientific process (perhaps for the first time for some) and what it is like to present findings to others.  5th grade students are using their experience from 4th grade and building on that from a simple “experiment” to a more complicated design process.  Our 6th grade students are using everything they learned from 4th and 5th grade to design, test, redesign, retest and put it all together into a presentation and research paper worthy of middle school standards.

Your students will be bringing home a “Background Research Plan Worksheet” to help them with their research.  This worksheet is designed to help your children design a plan for gathering the background information needed to complete a successful science fair project.  This plan is due November 11 (next Wednesday).   If your student still has not decided on a topic and a question they plan to investigate, this is due at the same time as the research plan.

A really great resource for helping your child with their project is Science Buddies.

I have adjusted our classroom’s science fair time line slightly.  Upcoming Science Fair Project due dates are as follows:

Research Plan: November 11

Hypothesis and Variables: November 30

Materials and Procedures: December 18

Data and Graphs: January 29

Research Paper (6th Grade Only): February 12

Final Report (4th and 5th Grade Only): February 16

Display Board: February 17-18


We will discuss each of these items in class as the time approaches.

2nd Trimester Review and Fall Festival Update

Thanks to everyone who made it to parent teacher conference!  I hope you have been able to decompress a little and unwind with your kids (even those of you who still had to work) during fall break.  I know I needed the rest, yet I am looking forward to the upcoming weeks of school!

Work Expectations

Each day your children are responsible for planning their work, and have done a great job so far.  Tomorrow I will be introducing a new step in planning the day.  This will include an expectations sheet with specific work required each week.  It will be up to your kiddos to plan and complete the work required.   This expectations sheet will likely undergo a few tweaks over the next couple of weeks as we work out the bugs together, but the format and use of the sheet will remain consistent.

Ask your children about it tomorrow after school, your interest will encourage them to utilize this tool to help them plan work that is appropriate for their ability level.  It will even serve to push those who need just a little nudge.

I am so excited to have received new measurement materials for our classroom!  They are cut and ready to be used!   Your children have taken to measurement like ducks to water.  They love weighing, measuring, filling and all things associated with measurement.   Last week we had a “walk off” to test which was further, a kilometer or a mile.  Ask your child which is further.

Book Reports

I have had several of you ask about book reports this year.  My focus so far this year has been on reading non-fiction in the classroom, and because your students are so engaged with their Scholastic magazines, I have not assigned any book reports (that isn’t the only reason).  I really want the reading they do during silent reading, and at home for pleasure, to be just that – pleasurable.  My experience last year with book reports were both positive and negative.

The experience was positive when the students were really excited about the particular book and type of book report that was associated with the book at the time (you have some really creative kids), but negative when the students could not find a book that excited them or when they had a great book, but didn’t like the style of book report.  It is partly because I’m wrangling with just the right way to go about it that I am delaying book reports.   In addition, we have international festival in December (don’t worry, assignments have not gone out for this yet) and Science Fair immediately following in January.  I do not want your children to be overwhelmed with home projects, particularly when the about of research they will be doing at home is going to be increasing very soon.

Fall Festival


And finally, the Fall Festival is this week! Mark your calendars for Friday October 23 from 4-7pm. We are in need of 12 volunteers, between mine and Ms. Holly’s class, to help run the Goodie Walk game and the Batman Obstacle. The volunteer slots are for one hour increments. We need 2 volunteers at the Goodie Walk per hour and 2 volunteers at the Batman Obstacle per hour. Please click  to sign up for a one hour slot. Remember this goes towards your 40 hours of volunteer time the school requires.

Thanks again for all you do to support your kids and our school community!




IXL Homework

Your children will be getting a small IXL homework assignment today.  This assignment is due Sunday, October 11.

Please remember that IXL is not optional.  This homework directly aligns with the concepts we are learning in the classroom.  If your child is frustrated or struggling with their IXL, please remind them to write a note in their planner, and I, or Ms. Kari, will help them with additional lessons.


Multiplication Facts

Knowing math facts is a supremely important skill in order to advance in the upper elementary classroom.  Until students are fluent in math facts, they are “stuck” in terms of abstract (paper-pencil) math progress.  It is my goal to work with all students in order for them to become fluent in all multiplication facts before they leave for Christmas Break.  As such, we are using a variety of methods for practicing these skills.

If you have an unused deck of cards, or one missing one or more bits, that you would be willing to donate to our classroom, it would be greatly appreciated.  We are building skills and having fun at the same time.

Please take this opportunity to practice the facts that they may not know yet.  As a group, we identified the facts that they know (ones and tens) and facts they may not know (6,7,8,9).  Your children will be coming home with 2 to 3 flash cards daily of facts they are currently working on.  We will call these facts their “meanies”.  Multiplication facts that, for one reason or another, are difficult to your child.  Throughout the day we will practice “meanies” until all students in our room are fluent with their times tables.

As always, don’t hesitate to contact me with questions regarding what your child is doing in the classroom.  I am happy to share our triumphs as well as struggles with you.

Weekly Update – September 14

Here we are mid-September already and it feels like school just started!  It never ceases to amaze me how quickly the time passes.

This week we have our student council elections.  With two students running from our own class, your children are being immersed in the election process.  With Constitution Day tomorrow, we are beginning to get a picture of what it means to be a good citizen.

Our afternoons are filled with Geography at the moment.

Level 4 students are studying the basics of navigation on maps using latitude and longitude.  We were even lucky enough to find a beautiful copy of Ptolemy’s world map.  I love maps and seeing the origins of our maps today is always exciting.

Level 5 students are also looking at maps, but in a slightly different way.  Last week they learned basic compass skills and created their own indoor “orienteering” maps for each other.   This week they are learning about topography by studying Mt. Everest through a beautiful topographical map.  We discussed George Mallory’s contribution, and consequently his sad demise as well.

Level 6 students are beginning to study early explorers of N. America.  By creating their own US maps and tracking the routes of early explorers such as de Soto, Cartier and others they are getting a sense of the difficulties encountered by early explorers.  This study will lead to our focus of US history this year.

As an aside, several field trip permission slips (3 to be exact) have come home with your students the last week.  Although 2 of the trips are not scheduled for at least another month, please return those with your children at your earliest convenience.   I will send reminders several days before the field trip so you and your children are prepared, but I wanted to try and get all of the paper work settled well ahead of time.

Our first field trip is next Friday, September 25, with Ms. Holly’s class.  This has been a nice walking trip for us the past two years.

Don’t forget, IXL homework is mandatory, if your student was absent the day new homework assignments were given, they can always be found on the blog at the top of the page where is says IXL homework.  Please be sure your children are spending time each night practicing these skills.

Have a wonderful week!