
October Parent Teacher Conference Reminder

Parent teacher conference begins next Monday, October 15.  In order for me to best serve you during these conferences, I ask that you sign up prior to the weekend.  When you sign up in advance, I am able to have everything in order for your conference time.

Please sign up for a PTC time October 15-17 at this link.

Look for October 2018 – PTC Ms. Amity on the event list.

Original Works

Original Works order forms will be coming home with your children Monday, October 8.  If your child has not yet completed a piece of artwork, they will still have an opportunity to do so at home.  Please review the following FAQs regarding the Original Works process.

Original Works Q & A:

What is Original Works?

  • Turn your child’s art into keepsakes (mugs, tote bags, pot holders, pillowcases, keychains, night lights, etc.). This fundraiser benefits your child’s classroom directly.

What if my child didn’t do or complete their art?

  • Complete it now! Art needs to be on plain 8.5”x11” paper (cardstock is best for durability). No 3-D art (glitter, pipe cleaners, etc.) and no copyrighted art. Must be original! Whatever you turn in with your payment will be considered complete.

What if my child made more than one piece of art?

  • You need one order form per piece of art. The order form needs to be filled out and taped to the back of your child’s art.

What if I have a child who wants to participate and isn’t at MMA?

  • Anyone can submit art. All you need is an order form and to designate which teacher you want to benefit!

How do I pay?

  • Write a check made to Original Works and attach it to the order form or write your credit card number on order form.

When are orders due?

  • Art, order forms, and payment must be returned to the front office by October 17th.

What needs to be on the art?

  • Your child’s name, teacher’s name, and a T designating the top of art must be written on the back of each piece of art.

When will keepsakes arrive?

  • Friday, November 30th!



In Class Colony Research Link

This is a student link for an in class research project.  If your child would like to access this link from home, they will need a username and password that I can provide to them at school next week.

Follow this link to search your colony using World Book Encyclopedia Timelines.


This entry was posted on September 27, 2018, in General.

6th and 9th Grade Jr. Artisan Fair Announcement and Signup Link

Please join us for our first Jr. Artisan Fair! This showcase of hand made goods is put on by our 6th and 9th grade students to help raise money for their upcoming field trips. This fair will be running during the same hours and location as the Maria Montessori Academy Fall Festival, come and enjoy two great events at once, all while supporting our students!

Please note that Artisan Ally is a cash only section at the Fall Festival and will not accept tickets to purchase items.

If your child is interested in joining the fair and selling items to raise money for upcoming MMA field trip please fill out this form:

If you have other questions please feel free to contact MAPA


Week 4 – Updates and Home Project

The days are shorter, the evenings crisper and the mornings darker.  It’s hard to believe we are entering our 4th week of school and that autumn is just around the corner.

Classroom Expectation

Planners: Each day your child should be bringing home their planner, an important communication tool between the classroom and home.  Please take a few minutes each evening to review your child’s day with them and sign to acknowledge their plan.  You can write them a note of encouragement, a reminder or questions that you may have for me.   I check planners daily as your child enters the classroom.  Helping your child form good habits now will go a long way in their educational journey.

Weekly Work Evaluations: Each week your child fills out a weekly work evaluation and brings it home for you to review.  The purpose of this evaluation is to check in against the plan they create, set goals for the following week and reflect on their learning.  Student’s who do not complete this evaluation at school are expected to complete it at home.  Please sign your child’s evaluation weekly and return it to school with them on Monday.

Parents who are actively involved in their child’s learning, will avoid surprises during parent teacher conferences.  A simple way to be involved is through daily planner and weekly evaluation checks.

Back to School Night

Back to School Night is this Thursday from 6-8:00 pm.  If you attended the “Sneak – a – Peak” before the start of the school year, there is no need to attend on Thursday.  I will be reviewing the same information.

Home Project – Due Wednesday, October 3

Our first home project assignment has been set.  Your child was given the assignment on Friday.  I am linking the project requirements here in case your child did not bring home their paper, or in the event you need to print an additional copy.  Although there are many theories regarding how the first people came to North America, we have been studying the migration of people from Siberia to North America by way of the Bering Land Bridge.   In order for our students to have a broader understanding of the First Nations, they will be choosing a Native Cultural Region as well as a tribe that inhabits (or once inhabited) this area.

Native American Research Project

Native American Research Project Rubric

Freedom’s Light Festival – Friday, September 21

We rely on parent drivers for our class (and level) field trips.  I understand that some of you are transporting other students in other classes because you have more than one child in upper elementary.  If we do not get enough drivers, we will not be able to participate in this trip.

If you are able to drive students for our first field trip, please contact our Room Mom, Natalie Monsen.


Have a fabulous week!