It’s Nearly December?!?!

I know I say it often, but I can’t believe this school year is flying by so quickly!  Several of your children have commented that they can’t believe the year is moving so quickly.  If they think it is speeding by, it must be true!

I hope you all have had a peaceful and relaxing Thanksgiving week.  I was able to get some much needed (minor) home improvements taken care of and made it through the piles of laundry that seem to multiply like Mogwai that have been exposed to water.

Important dates to consider as we enter December.

  • December 5th  – Movie Night – Come support our 6th grade students, and enjoy a night out alone, or with your significant other.   This is a great opportunity to have a night free of the little ones and get some holiday shopping done, or just enjoy the company of other adults.
  • December 17th  – International Festival for Upper Elementary classes.  Join us from 9-11am for a tour around the world.  Your children will be presenting their first country study projects.
  • December 19th – Our class is hosting a pre-holiday pancake breakfast.  If you are planning on joining us for the breakfast, please let me know, no later than December 5th so we can be sure to have enough food for everyone.

As a reminder, there is no December book report; however, the January book report is posted.  The genre is biography and the book report style is a timeline.  I will post the requirements and rubric shortly.

The holiday season is upon us and as such, things tend to become hectic relatively quickly. Enjoy the last few days of November and the unseasonably warm weather!
