Week 6 Updates

Good Evening!  I hope you are enjoying the last two official days of summer!

This week in class your children are busy practicing word problems, new ways of solving division problems, factoring, multiplication, addition and subtraction, fractions and more.  In language they are identifying sentence by purpose, nouns (common, proper, collective, singular, plural, abstract), complete sentence writing and essay writing.  In addition to those things, we have officially begun our Scholastic News and Jr. Scholastic groups as well as our novel study groups.

If that sounds like a lot, it is!  We are doing even more good work in the afternoon.  From rock cycle to erosion, and King Hammurabi to the Black Plague our days are full of opportunities for your children to work and research.

Opportunity is the key word.  Ms. Kari and I work hard to provide lessons and tools necessary for your students to succeed.  Your students have a responsibility to themselves to complete their work.  Please take a few minutes to discuss your student’s work with them.  If you have any questions about their individual work expectations, please don’t hesitate to communicate with me through their planner or email.

Our first field trip of the year is next Thursday, September 29.  You should have received an email from our room mom, Meredith, with information about rides to and from the museum.  You will be meeting your child’s ride at the duck pond at Lee’s Market at 8:15, with a departure time of 8:30.  Student’s will return to school in time for regular pick up.