Week of January 7, 2019

Hello Parents,

First of all we want to thank you for all the wonderful gifts we received. We could feel your love and appreciation. We hope you all had a wonderful winter break spending more time with the ones you love. The last couple of days were a nice transition into coming back to  school. We know it can be a big adjustment for the children to come back to school after having nearly two weeks away from school. They did much better than what was expected. In fact, it almost seemed like they had not been away at all. They adjusted very nicely.

The big new themes for January will include Oceans for our biome study, fish for our biology study, and will do water experiments for physical science. As one of the elements of art we will learn  about lines and study Pablo Picasso. We will spend time with Habit 4: Think Win Win as well as continue to work on individual lessons for each student.

As a reminder, there will be no school for the students on Friday, January 11. This is a professional development day for the teachers.

Thank you for your continued support. Have a great week.

Ms. Martha and Ms. Valerie

Week of December 17, 2018

Blog for week of December 17, 2018

Hello parents,

It is hard to believe this is our last week of school for 2018. Where has the time gone? This week we will continue to reinforce the mind set of putting first things first. Some of the children have been doing really well about getting their challenging work done right away. That habit will serve them well as they get older and acquire more and more responsibilities. This week we will learn about the plants and animals that grow and live in the forests of North America. In botany, we will talk more about the stems that we eat and in science we will continue to experiment with air as we make balloon rockets. On Friday, we will enjoy making and eating pancakes as we just have a relaxing day before the break. We would love to have you come in and share a family tradition with the class if you would like to.  If you are interested, please email me so I can put you on the calendar. After a nice winter break, we will return to school on Thursday, January 3, 2019.


Have a great week,

Ms. Martha & Ms. Valerie

Week of December 10, 2018

Week of December 10, 2018

Hello parents,

Monday, December 10 will be an early release day for Professional Development. Kids in the AM will come 8:30-10:30 and kids in the PM will come from 11:00-1:00. This week we will continue to emphasize the importance of “putting first things first”, in other words, doing what needs to be done before doing things that we want to do. As was mentioned before, we as teachers need to help the children be prepared for first grade where each day is much longer, and the work expectations are much greater. The kindergarten children are expected to complete at least two challenging works each day. For some, they do the challenging work right off the bat, and then fill their time with doing other works that are more enjoyable. Other children, put off doing their challenging work until it is time for recess and then must scrabble to get them done so they can go outside. Please encourage your child, to do their challenging work first and acknowledge them when they make those good choices.

In geography we will continue our study of North America, particularly the forests in North America, and the people who live there. In biology we will look closer at the different types of stems. We will do some experiments with ice crystals as well as some experiments with moving air, which will include air races with rockets. On Friday we will have music with Ms. Kimber which is always a treat.

Finally, we’ve been asked to put the following on our blog-

Dear Families,


Please take a few moments to complete this anonymous Stakeholder Survey before it closes on December 14th. We need your feedback as change only comes when we know where we can improve.


The survey link is https://goo.gl/forms/crazDfVKIu8ENemv2.


If you would like to be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift card, please take a screenshot of the last page of the completed survey and send it to info@mariamontessoriacademy.org.


Thank you and have a wonderful week,

Ms. Martha & Ms. Valerie

Parent Education Night

Remember our Parent Education Night, tomorrow (Thursday, Dec. 6th) from 5:30-6:30 pm here at MMA!

Our teachers have heard you and understand that you would like more knowledge about what Montessori looks, sounds, and feels like, how it can benefit you and your child, and a better connection to some of its vocabulary. We will host a night with two prime topics being featured: Grace and Courtesy (Communication, Independence, Movement, and Self-Discipline) and The Benefits of Montessori (How it differs from traditional schooling). After a short discussion of the two topics all together in the small gym, we will break out into groups to discuss the two topics. We look forward to seeing you all there! Any questions can be directed to sellis@mariamontessoriacademy.org or jhall@mariamontessoriacademy.org

 An RSVP would be greatly appreciated.

Week of December 3, 2018

Week of December 3, 2018

Hello Parents,

Thank you so much for all the donations of food, paper ware, time and energy that you put into our Thanksgiving Feast. It was a wonderful celebration. The kids worked hard, practiced and prepared for this day for quite a while. We cannot do activities like this without your support. You are wonderful and we love not only our children (your children), but you as families also.

For December, we are trying something new this year. We would love to have families come in to talk about a holiday tradition that you do with your family. Just one thing that has special purpose or meaning to your family. It might be something as simple as “pajamas and pancakes” etc. Whatever it is, if you would like to share it with our class, please email me and I will put you on the calendar. We will reserve time on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Friday, December 21, 2018 will be our last day of school before our Winter Break. We will return on Thursday, January 3, 2019.

We will be working on Habit # 3 the month of December, “Put first things first”. This is a difficult concept even for many adults. We sometimes get in the habit of doing the fun or easy things first and put off the hard things, or first things, until it is urgent. But, think about how nice it feels when we are prepared. The book talks about a wise person who says, “Do what you have to do so you can do what you want to do.” It is important to teach our children to delay gratification and do the hard things (or first things) first while they are young. We will soon begin to require two challenging works to be done each day before they go outside. Somehow, when the other kids are getting ready to go outside, the motivation to get their work done increases and they can get their work done in a hurry. This is when we can really emphasize the importance of “putting first things first.”

In geography we will continue our study of North America, but will focus on the forests in North America for the month of December. In biology, we will begin our study of stems. We will learn about snow and read the beautiful story Snowflake Bentley. We will also talk about how when air moves, it moves other things, and we will do some experiments with air.

One last reminder, we go outside everyday rain or shine, so please ensure your child has appropriate clothing for the weather conditions. There are only a few exceptions in which we do not go outside which includes- bad air quality days, lightning storms, extreme cold, etc. If your child is not dressed appropriately for the weather, they will need to sit in the office while we are outside.

Thank you again for the support we receive from you,

Ms Martha & Ms. Valerie

Ogden Electric Lights Parade & Blog- Week of November 26, 2018

Week of November 26, 2018 and information about the Ogden Electric Light Parade

Hello Parents,

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break. We are thankful for wonderful students who bring so much joy to our lives and we are thankful for the great parents we have that are always willing to help. Thank you so much for all the support you give us.

This week we will be working towards getting everything ready for our Thanksgiving Feast which will be held Friday, November 30, 2018. A.M. parents will come 10:45-11:30 a.m. and P.M. parents will come 2:15-3:00 p.m. We are looking for parent volunteers to help with the preparations and activities for the feast as well as volunteers to bring food for the feast. If you would like to help and have not had the chance to sign-up yet, here is the link:


We will continue to emphasize Habit #2 Begin with the end in mind along with our studies of the mountains in North America, learn more about different types of mammals and learn more about different types of roots.

Thanks again for all you do and have a great week,

Ms. Martha & Ms. Valerie


Ogden Electric Light Parade

November 24th is the annual Ogden Electric Lights Parade. Our school will be represented and the marketing committee has come up with a float that will represent MMA.

We are looking for students from MMA who would like to be part of our parade! The meeting place will be in front of the Ogden Temple. The parade starts promptly at 5:30pm. The floats will be lined up at 5pm.

Students 12 years and you get must ride in the trailer or truck. If you are over the age of 12 then you may walk next to the float. Students who ride or walk will be carrying white peace signs or holding tea lights.

If your child would like to be a part of the parade then we will have waivers to sign in front of the temple.

The parade starts on 22nd and Washington and then ends at 27th. My advice would be for our MMA parents whose child(ren) are in the parade park towards the end of the parade so when we are done you can find your child.

We have some, but if your child would like to wear glow necklaces and bracelets during the parade we highly suggest the more the better! (It is a light parade!) the glow wear is also our symbol to honor Troy and Molly Cox.

If you have any questions you can ask Autumn in the office or me- Ms. Kaley. I will do my best to answer anything I know 🙂

Week of November 19, 2018

Week of November 19, 2018

Hello parents,

Wow, it is hard to believe we are already in the middle of November with many holidays approaching. There will be no school at all next week (November 19-November 23) for the Thanksgiving break. Our Thanksgiving feast will be on Friday November 30th.  Parents are invited to attend.  The feast for our morning class will be from 10:45 – 11:30 and afternoon class will be from 2:15 – 3:00.   We could use 3 parents to help get ready for our feast.  The volunteers for the morning class will be here from 8:30 to 10:30 and the volunteers for the afternoon class will be from 12:00 to 2:00.  Please email me if you would like to volunteer. Here is the link to sign up to bring food items for the feast https://www.trackitforward.com/site/389525/events

Please let me know if you have any questions. Happy Thanksgiving to all,

Ms. Martha & Ms. Valerie

Week of November 12, 2018

Hello Parents,

We will continue to reinforce Habit 2- Begin with the end in mind, in other words, have a plan.  It might be something as simple as laying out your clothes for tomorrow before you go to bed tonight. or writing down things you want to accomplish, etc.  On Monday, in preparation for Thanksgiving, the two early childhood classes will meet together to hear the Thanksgiving story.  For geography, we will introduce our first continent study which will be North America, as well as introduce our first biome study which will be mountains, in particular, we will study the mountains of North America. In biology, we will continue to learn about roots and talk more about the roots we eat and then make delicious root soup. We will also take a closer look at the parts of a mammal. We will continue to learn more about measurements by weight and throughout the week make preparations for our Thanksgiving feast which will be Friday, November 30.

Again, we want to thank you for all your support,

Ms. Martha and Ms. Valerie

Week of November 5, 2018

Blog for week of November 5, 2018

Monday is an early release day for Professional Development. AM students will come 8:30-10:30 and PM students will come 11:00-1:00. We will begin a new ‘Habit” this month, it is “Begin with the end in mind”. We will learn what a continent and a biome is in geography. In biology, we will introduce what a mammal is and introduce roots. We will continue to learn about measurements by length in math. For art, we will learn about tints and will begin our study on Ansel Adams.

I have some work that can be done  at home such as punching/poking holes in paper plates to use as a sewing work and also the children’s portfolios that need to be loved a little with some of the things in their files. I will put those things on trackitforward in the next day or so if anyone wants to put in some volunteer hours.

Looking ahead-

  • Picture retake day is on Thursday, November 15. I only have a few forms/envelopes, so I cannot send them home with everyone. If you would like one, please email or talk to me and I will send one home with your child.
  • There will be no school November 19-23 for the Thanksgiving Break.
  • This year our “Thanksgiving Feast” will be on Friday, November 30. AM parents can come 10:45-11:30 and PM parent can come 2:15- 3:00. More information will come later.

Have a wonderful week,

Ms. Martha & Ms. Valerie

Blog- Week of October 29, 2018

Hello parents,

All month long we have been reading stories about how different characters showed signs of being proactive. Monday we will review those stories and then use their example of working hard, never giving up, being kind, helping others, etc. to write our own mission statement.

For geography, we will continue to learn map making skills and learn two more names and descriptions of land forms. The land forms we will learn about are a strait and an isthmus.

Wednesday is Halloween, we will not dress up or pass out candy. However, we will cut a pumpkin and dig out and count the seeds.

Our study our measurement will change from measuring by length to measuring by weight. We will start by weighing the kids.

In art we will be learning about shades and will also learn about warm and cool colors.

One last thing, we have students leaving jackets, socks, etc. in their cubbies, out on the playground etc. we have asked the students if any of the items belong to them and many items are unclaimed. From time to time, you might want to check the lost and found area to see if you can reclaim your child’s missing clothes, especially when the weather gets cooler and they are wearing more clothes.

Thank you for your support and have a wonderful weekend.

Ms. Martha & Ms. Valerie