Gala Tomorrow/No School Monday

It’s not too late to grab your tickets to the Gala! This event helps fundraise money to deepen your student’s education! Call the office for more information.


There is NO SCHOOL on Monday, March 19th due to Professional Development for the staff. We will see your student on Tuesday, March 20th, which happens to be the first day of Spring!

March Parent Presentation

We are so excited to announce that our classroom “International Festival” for South America will be on Thursday, March 29th, 2018 at 1:30pm. Students will be presenting their March Home Projects. Please join us so that we have plenty of faces to share with! We look forward to having you.

Spelling Test #15: 03.20.18

Please practice the following words at home with your student. We will be testing them on Tuesday, March 20th, 2018.

Strawberries: focus on -ad family

  1. pad
  2. dad
  3. mad
  4. sad
  5. lad
  6. had
  7. fad
  8. bad

Pineapples: focus on th blend

  1. think
  2. thick
  3. thin
  4. thumb
  5. three
  6. thump
  7. thermos
  8. thought
  9. throw
  10. threw

Apples: focus on sp/sk/sm blends

  1. spool
  2. spoon
  3. spider
  4. ski
  5. skeleton
  6. skip
  7. smell
  8. smile
  9. smoke
  10. spill

Bananas: focus on k/wh/qu/tw words

  1. king
  2. key
  3. whale
  4. whisper
  5. quarter
  6. quiet
  7. question
  8. twelve
  9. twenty
  10. twins

Grapes: focus on -ish/-ash/-ush words

  1. fish
  2. wish
  3. dish
  4. swish
  5. trash
  6. cash
  7. flash
  8. crash
  9. brush
  10. crush
  11. blush
  12. flush

Kiwis: focus on er/ear/eer words with a touch of homophones

  1. her
  2. herd
  3. heard
  4. perch
  5. dear
  6. deer
  7. term
  8. year
  9. near
  10. cheer
  11. peer
  12. earth
  13. learn
  14. clear

Blueberries: focus on syllable juncture in vcccv and vv patterns

  1. athlete
  2. kingdom
  3. pumpkin
  4. English
  5. mushroom
  6. halfway
  7. pilgrim
  8. complete
  9. kitchen
  10. hundred
  11. inspect
  12. children
  13. create
  14. poet
  15. area
  16. trail
  17. video
  18. idea
  19. diet
  20. control

March MAPA Update

With the Gala less than two weeks away, we are starting to wrap things up:) If you still wanted to donate to any of the class baskets here is a list of the baskets the room parents are just putting finishing touches to:
Ms. Amy- Cooking Basket
Ms. Marleen- Pamper Basket
Ms. Lana- Movie Basket
Ms. Brittany- Exercise Basket
Ms. Kaley- Golf Basket
Ms. Joy- Rainy Day Basket
Ms. Stef- Pool Fun Basket
Ms. Kotie- Book Basket
Ms. Jalee- Pet Basket
Ms. Jen- Gardening Basket
Ms. Laura- Kid Craft Basket
Mr. John- Date Night Basket
Ms. Jill- Art Basket
Ms, Krista- Golf Basket (no additional items need to be donated to this basket, the whole basket was donated by staker-parson)
Jr. High- Mindfulness Basket
*There are some items that we are looking for to be added to some tickets that were donated.  If anyone is interested in donating:
– Train toy & Train Book
– Dinosaur toy & Dinosaur Book
– Birthday party supplies cake mix/frosting/candles/party etc… We will need two sets total of this
Once again, Thank you everyone to has already contributed to the Gala in any way, shape or form:)
Buy your tickets online:
Or we will be at the school Friday March 9th form 3-4 (Last day for pre-sale price)

March Home Project

We have decided to switch our home project for March and April. This month we will conclude our study of South America with a home project on a variety of topics, such as a specific country, historical or geographical landmark, indigenous peoples, cultural aspects, animals, etc. Your student can choose anything they want to research from South America. A visual aid (poster, art project, Lego construction) is required for this project. Home projects will be due on March 26th, 2018.

We will combine our home project with a parent presentation. The students stated they really enjoyed the International Festival and presenting, so we will be doing our own festival for South America. Stay tuned for a specific day and time.

Spelling Test #14: 03.13.18

Please practice the following words at home with your student. We will be testing them on Tuesday, March 13th, 2018.

Strawberries: -an families

  1. tan
  2. can
  3. man
  4. fan
  5. van
  6. Dan
  7. ran
  8. ban

Pineapples: /f/ and /th/

  1. fib
  2. fed
  3. flat
  4. the
  5. this
  6. that
  7. fun
  8. fur
  9. thin
  10. think

Apples: focus on st blend

  1. tire
  2. sink
  3. tie
  4. stem
  5. stop
  6. stump
  7. star
  8. stamp
  9. stick
  10. six

Bananas: focus on pr/tr/dr blends

  1. price
  2. pretzel
  3. prize
  4. triangle
  5. truck
  6. trap
  7. drill
  8. dress
  9. dream
  10. dragon

Grapes: focus on -ick/-ack/-uck words

  1. chick
  2. quick
  3. trick
  4. stick
  5. quack
  6. snack
  7. black
  8. back
  9. truck
  10. stuck
  11. luck
  12. tuck

Kiwis: focus on ar/are/air words with a touch of homophones

  1. part
  2. sharp
  3. harm
  4. start
  5. pare
  6. pair
  7. pear
  8. stare
  9. stair
  10. fair
  11. fare
  12. wear
  13. where
  14. chair

Blueberries: focus on syllable juncture vcv and vvcv patterns 

  1. human
  2. pilot
  3. student
  4. frozen
  5. humor
  6. music
  7. wagon
  8. second
  9. minute
  10. never
  11. planet
  12. present
  13. reason
  14. meeting
  15. peanut
  16. sneaker
  17. easy
  18. lazy
  19. finish
  20. visit

Literacy Week

  • Book Swap– students and teachers will bring their gently used books to swap with each other throughout the week. Swap tables will be in the Kivas.
  • Spelling Bee-Come support Dash, Samantha, and Mary Jo from our class in the school-wide spelling be on Tuesday, February 27th from 9am-10am.
  • Writing Celebration– Student’s can choose their favorite genre and submit a writing piece to the office by Thursday at noon. Chosen works from EC, LE, UE and Junior High will be announced on Friday afternoon and their writing will be featured in the weekly Monday Montessori Moments Newsletter that goes home each week! Works can be: poem, song, short story or memoir, comic strip, and a book review.
  • Literacy Night- 2018 Literacy Night Flyer
  • Read-a-thon– Student’s are encouraged to bring their own books from home that they enjoy reading for our school-wide read-a-thon on Friday.

Spelling Test #13: 03.06.18

Please practice the following words at home with your student. We will be testing them on Tuesday, March 6th, 2018.

Strawberries: focus on -at families

  1. cat
  2. bat
  3. mat
  4. fat
  5. sat
  6. pat
  7. hat
  8. rat

Pineapples: focus on /f/ with mixed in words

  1. fact
  2. fan
  3. fed
  4. me
  5. see
  6. can
  7. fin
  8. fib
  9. for
  10. fog

Apples: focus on sh/ch/wh/th mixed digraphs. Students have practiced these words so we are looking for progress in their completion of the whole word.

  1. shelf
  2. shave
  3. shirt
  4. shot
  5. cheese
  6. chick
  7. chair
  8. chain
  9. wheelbarrow
  10. thimble

Bananas: focus on bl/br/gr/gl blends

  1. block
  2. blouse
  3. bride
  4. bridge
  5. bricks
  6. brush
  7. grapes
  8. grass
  9. groceries
  10. glue

Grapes: focus on -ill/-ell/-all word families

  1. chill
  2. spill
  3. drill
  4. will
  5. tell
  6. well
  7. shell
  8. smell
  9. ball
  10. tall
  11. call
  12. small

Kiwis: review long vowel patterns

  1. sold
  2. grind
  3. light
  4. bleed
  5. sneak
  6. school
  7. feast
  8. wave
  9. slide
  10. scene
  11. tone
  12. glow
  13. crew
  14. dry

Blueberries: focus on syllable juncture in vcv (vowel-consonant-vowel) and vccv (vowel-consonant-consonant-vowel) patterns

  1. silent
  2. female
  3. fever
  4. moment
  5. happen
  6. bottom
  7. butter
  8. pillow
  9. follow
  10. pattern
  11. basket
  12. problem
  13. number
  14. chapter
  15. window
  16. blanket
  17. finger
  18. member
  19. sister
  20. water