If you are able to drive and/or chaperone, please email Marissa at marissakay90@gmail.com. Marissa has sent out an email in regards to carpooling to those families who have sent her an email. We have enough drivers, so please sign-up at the provided link: https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/kswxs
Category Archives: February 2018
February Home Project
This month we will be focusing on Presidents for our home projects. Students can pick any former president. Your student will be sent home with a form to guide them in their research. Please let us know if you have any questions. Projects will be due on February 20th.
Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-up
Can you believe it is that time of year again? Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held Wednesday, February 14th – Friday, February 16th, 2018. These conferences are for parents and teachers only. Students will attend the last conference of the year. These three days are half days for our students. Please sign-up at https://www.trackitforward.com/site/389525/events. We look forward to meeting with you!