January Home Projects

Our January home projects will be focused on personal interests. Your student can pick ANYTHING they are interested in to research and present on. Project ideas are endless. They can be collections made, research done, experiments conducted, models built, or demonstrations presented (i.e., teaching the class how to do something new.) The way your student presents their project may look different than another students, it just needs to meet our rubric (Home Project Rubric). All projects are due Monday, January 22nd, 2018.

Here is a review of what home projects should be like (from our Home Projects Tab):

Montessori education is unique in many ways, one being that we do not have traditional homework. Home projects are assigned each month, in place of traditional homework. Each month we will have a different theme that aligns with our studies this year. Home projects are intended to be a jumping off point for students to explore questions, find answers, and share information with their peers.

These projects should be completed by your student, however, please assist your student with finding the information they need. Information can be find in library books, the internet, experts in the field of study, family members, etc. Provide your student with as many resources as possible.

Students will need to provide a final written report, provide a visual aid (poster, mini-book, shadow box, mobile, clay, power-point, etc.), and present this to the class.  Please assist your student with paraphrasing the information they find. For those who are still strengthening their reading, you may have them dictate the information they have retained while you write it for them. Then, your student can copy the words or type them up.

Since students will be presenting their projects to the class, I highly encourage you practice with your student. This helps their confidence while presenting. A well-practiced presentation is a much more engaging presentation.

We Need Drivers/Chaperones for The Leonardo Museum Field Trip 01.17.18

We are in need of volunteers to drive and chaperone at our first field trip on Wednesday, January 17th, 2018 from 9:00am-1:00pm to The Leonardo Museum in Salt Lake City. We will need you to transport students, pay for parking, and chaperone during our visit. If you are able, please list how many students you can fit in your vehicle. We need to transport 30 students and 2 teachers. Thank you!


Spelling Test #9: Test on 01.09.18

Weekly Spelling Lists

Please practice the following words at home with your student. We will be testing them on Tuesday, January 9th, 2018.

Apples: focus on digraph sh. We are looking to see if your student can identify the s, h, and sh starts to each of these words. There will be no penalty for incorrect spelling of the whole word. 

  1. shirt
  2. ship
  3. sheep
  4. shark
  5. shop
  6. saw
  7. soap
  8. hand
  9. ham
  10. socks

Bananas: focus on sc/sn/sw blends

  1. school
  2. scarecrow
  3. scarf
  4. snake
  5. snap
  6. snowman
  7. swan
  8. switch
  9. sweater
  10. swim

Grapes: focus on pr/tr/dr blends

  1. price
  2. pretzel
  3. prize
  4. triangle
  5. truck
  6. trap
  7. drill
  8. dress
  9. dream
  10. dragon

Kiwis: focus on short/long o and ow/oa

  1. stock
  2. long
  3. froze
  4. globe
  5. close
  6. oat
  7. coach
  8. roam
  9. show
  10. throw
  11. know
  12. grow

Blueberries: focus on y plurals

  1. monkeys
  2. alleys
  3. journeys
  4. valleys
  5. donkeys
  6. trays
  7. plays
  8. toys
  9. boys
  10. cities
  11. stories
  12. fireflies
  13. families
  14. armies
  15. duties
  16. parties
  17. ladies
  18. babies

School Wide Schedule for International Festival 12.19-21.17

Tuesday, December 19th: Junior High presentations in the library from 1-2:30pm

-Our class will be visiting these presentations in the afternoon.

Wednesday, December 20th: Upper Elementary presentations from 9-11am

-Our class will be visiting these presentations in the morning.

Thursday, December 21st: Lower Elementary presentations from 1-2:30pm

-Group 1: last names K-Z

  • Present from 1:00-1:45pm
  • Explore from 1:45-2:30pm

-Group 2: last names A-J

  • Explore from 1:00-1:45pm
  • Present from 1:45-2:30pm

Friday, December 22nd-Tuesday, January 2nd: NO SCHOOL; Holiday Break

Things to Remember/Know:


-your student is welcome to bring food from their state for our snack in the morning of the 21st. If your student is interested in doing this, please email LPas@mariamontessoriacademy.org, so that we are aware of what is going to be brought.

-If you are planning on joining us for our day, you will be responsible for your student and your student only. All other students will rotate with our class to explore other countries. If you are planning on joining us, please let us know at LPas@mariamontessoriacademy.org.

Drivers/Chaperones Needed for The Leonardo Museum Field Trip 01.17.18

We are in need of volunteers to drive and chaperone at our first field trip on Wednesday, January 17th, 2018 from 9:00am-1:00pm to The Leonardo Museum in Salt Lake City. We will need you to transport students, pay for parking, and chaperone during our visit. If you are able, please list how many students you can fit in your vehicle. We need to transport 30 students and 2 teachers. Thank you!


Spelling Test #8:Test on 12.19.17

Weekly Spelling Lists

Please practice the following words at home with your student. We will be testing them on Tuesday, December 19th, 2017. We will resume spelling after the Holiday Break.

Apples: focus on reviewing previous words. Please be aware there are more words this week!

  1. ran
  2. hat
  3. sad
  4. map
  5. log
  6. top
  7. jet
  8. tag
  9. cut
  10. rug
  11. bun
  12. hill
  13. dig
  14. rip
  15. dot

Bananas: focus on sp/sk/sm blends

  1. spool
  2. spoon
  3. spider
  4. ski
  5. skeleton
  6. skip
  7. smell
  8. smile
  9. smoke
  10. spill

Grapes: focus on bl/br/gr blends

  1. block
  2. blouse
  3. bride
  4. bridge
  5. bricks
  6. brush
  7. grapes
  8. grass
  9. groceries
  10. glue

Kiwis: focus on short/long a and open syllable ay

  1. glass
  2. trade
  3. Spain
  4. lay
  5. brave
  6. grain
  7. gain
  8. raise
  9. stay
  10. play
  11. hay
  12. tray

Blueberries: focus on final y

  1. hungry
  2. twenty
  3. ready
  4. turkey
  5. money
  6. chimney
  7. movie
  8. cookie
  9. goalie
  10. July
  11. rely
  12. try
  13. empty
  14. hockey

December Home Project Due in 1 Week

Dear Families,

State Projects are due in class next Thursday, December 14th, 2017.  The International Festival is scheduled to take place on December 19th ,20th, and 21st. This event is opened to everyone. Here is the projected schedule:

Tuesday, December 19th: Junior High presentations in the gym from 1-2:30pm

Wednesday, December 20th: Upper Elementary presentations from 9-11am

Thursday, December 21st: Lower Elementary presentations from 1-2:30pm

-Half of our class will stay in the classroom to present while the other half of the class goes and explores. We will then rotate.

Friday, December 22nd-Tuesday, January 2nd: : NO SCHOOL; Holiday Break Begins

State Report Notes

Things to Remember/Know:

-the template is a suggestion. Student’s can research anything from their state

-student’s need at least two resources. It was brought to our attention that the local libraries are closed.

-your student must have a tri-fold for their presentation

-your student will be presenting to other students and parents. Please practice!

-your student is welcome to bring food from their state for our snack in the morning of the 21st. If your student is interested in doing this, please email LPas@mariamontessoriacademy.org, so that we are aware of what is going to be brought.

-If you are planning on joining us for our day, you will be responsible for your student and your student only. All other students will rotate with our class to explore other countries. If you are planning on joining us, please let us know at LPas@mariamontessoriacademy.org.

We look forward to seeing each student’s report next Thursday, December 14th, 2017.


Ms. Lana and Ms. Carolyn




Parent Survey Reminder

Parent Survey Reminder from Administration

Please take 15 minutes to complete the AdvancED Parent Survey. We value your opinion and incorporating parent feedback is important for our school growth. Plus, we are required to analyze data from this survey to maintain our accreditation. Thank you for your time and effort!


Spelling Test #7:Test on 12.12.17

Weekly Spelling Lists

Please practice the following words at home with your student. We will be testing them on Tuesday, December 12th, 2017. Thank you for your support!

Apples: focus on short ip/ig/il families

  1. pig
  2. mill
  3. pill
  4. hill
  5. dig
  6. rip
  7. lip
  8. wig

Bananas: focus on s/t/st blends

  1. stem
  2. stop
  3. stump
  4. star
  5. stamp
  6. stick
  7. six
  8. tie
  9. sink
  10. tire

Grapes: focus on cr/cl/fr/fl blends. This is the correct list for this week. Sorry for the mix-up last week. 

  1. crown
  2. crayon
  3. clock
  4. clown
  5. fry
  6. freezer
  7. flower
  8. float
  9. flashlight
  10. cry

Kiwis: focus on CVVC pattern review. Note there are more words this week!

  1. leaf
  2. suit
  3. beach
  4. rain
  5. toast
  6. teeth
  7. chain
  8. peach
  9. road
  10. feet
  11. mail
  12. queen
  13. toad
  14. fruit
  15. broom
  16. sail
  17. soap
  18. spoon
  19. coat
  20. pea

Blueberries: focus on unusual plurals

  1. wife
  2. wives
  3. foot
  4. feet
  5. loaf
  6. loaves
  7. life
  8. lives
  9. mouse
  10. mice
  11. tooth
  12. teeth
  13. woman
  14. women