Thank you!

A huge thank you to all those who participated in our first field trip! It was a success and we wouldn’t have been able to go without your help! We were complemented by the staff at the Leonardo for how “respectful and engaged” our students were.

Be on the lookout for information from Marissa Hart in regards to our next field trip to the Ogden Nature Center on Monday, February 5th, 2018. Field trip permission forms were signed with today’s field trip. If you have not reached out to Marissa, please do so as she will be assisting our classroom with setting up drivers and chaperones. Her email is:

Spelling Test #11: Test on 01.23.18

Weekly Spelling Lists

Please practice the following words at home with your student. We will be testing them on Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018.

Apples: focus on digraphs sh/ch. We are looking to see if your student can identify the c, s, h, sh, and ch starts of each of these words. 

  1. shed
  2. shack
  3. cheese
  4. chain
  5. chief
  6. house
  7. hose
  8. shave
  9. shoe
  10. hat

Bananas: focus on pl/sl/bl blends

  1. plug
  2. pliers
  3. sled
  4. sleeve
  5. slipper
  6. blindfold
  7. block
  8. blade
  9. blouse
  10. blanket

Grapes: focus on at/ot/it/an/un/in families 

  1. that
  2. flat
  3. plot
  4. trot
  5. quit
  6. skit
  7. fun
  8. run
  9. chin
  10. thin
  11. grin
  12. skin

Kiwis: focus on short/long i and igh/y

  1. quick
  2. quit
  3. write
  4. quite
  5. white
  6. might
  7. high
  8. sigh
  9. fight
  10. try
  11. why
  12. cry

Blueberries: focus on compound words

  1. bookcase
  2. bookmark
  3. bookworm
  4. cookbook
  5. lighthouse
  6. lightweight
  7. daylight
  8. flashlight
  9. downhill
  10. downstairs
  11. downtown
  12. countdown
  13. headache
  14. headfirst
  15. headlight
  16. headstrong
  17. snowman
  18. snowflake
  19. snowstorm
  20. snowplow

Carpool Sign-ups/Boosters

Wednesday is our big day! Please make sure your student is placed in a carpool. Here is the link to sign your student up:

Secondly, parents have asked about boosters. If your student needs a booster, it is your responsibility to have your student bring their own booster for carpool. Make sure their first and last name is somewhere on the booster.

January Home Projects Due January 22nd

Our January home projects will be focused on personal interests. Your student can pick ANYTHING they are interested in to research and present on. Project ideas are endless. They can be collections made, research done, experiments conducted, models built, or demonstrations presented (i.e., teaching the class how to do something new.) The way your student presents their project may look different than another students, it just needs to meet our rubric (Home Project Rubric). All projects are due Monday, January 22nd, 2018.

We have a Room Parent!

Dear Parents,

We are excited to announce that we have a room parent, Marissa Hart. Thank you Marissa for taking on this role and helping our classroom with our needs. Since, as teachers, we are unable to provide your email addresses to Marissa, we are asking that you email Marissa at to get on the email chain for field trip sign-ups and other classroom needs.
Thank you,
Ms. Lana and Ms. Carolyn

Missing Permission Slips/Sign-up Your Student for Carpool

The following students have not turned in their permission slips: Carsen, Isaiah, Jonathan, Dash, Andrew, Zyan, Kaido, and Brinlee. Your student will not be able to attend our field trip without a signed permission slip.

Thank you to the following individuals for volunteering to drive and/or chaperone: Marissa Hart, Sally Paskins, Jen Noyes, James McClendon, Carrie Zkiab, Summer Nebeker, and Sara Joglar. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to get to and from our field trip!

All parents need to sign their student up for a carpool via


Please meet us at the NORTH SHORE PARKING LOT on Wednesday, January 17th, 2018 from 8:50am. Please come prepared to pay for parking and possible admission ($7) depending on student numbers. We are very thankful that you are taking time out of your day to spend with us! We will send out a reminder blog post on Tuesday!

Spelling Test #10: Test on 01.16.18

Weekly Spelling Lists

Please practice the following words at home with your student. We will be testing them on Tuesday, January 16th, 2018.

Apples: focus on digraph ch. We are looking to see if your student can identify the c, h, and ch starts of each of these words. 

  1. cherry
  2. chimney
  3. chin
  4. chop
  5. check
  6. chick
  7. comb
  8. heart
  9. cake
  10. horn

Bananas: focus on pl blend

  1. pail
  2. pie
  3. lock
  4. leaf
  5. plum
  6. plant
  7. pliers
  8. plate
  9. plane
  10. plus

Grapes: focus on wh/qu/tw blends and same sound k 

  1. king
  2. key
  3. wheelbarrow
  4. whisper
  5. quarter
  6. quiet
  7. question
  8. twelve
  9. twenty
  10. twins

Kiwis: focus on short/long u and ew/ue

  1. thumb
  2. brush
  3. stack
  4. plump
  5. new
  6. chew
  7. few
  8. flew
  9. flue
  10. due
  11. blue
  12. clue

Blueberries: focus on y + inflected endings 

  1. crying
  2. studying
  3. enjoying
  4. staying
  5. hurrying
  6. copying
  7. cries
  8. studies
  9. enjoys
  10. stays
  11. hurries
  12. copies
  13. cried
  14. studied
  15. enjoyed
  16. stayed
  17. hurried
  18. copied

Room Parent Wanted

We are looking for a room parent who can assist us with gathering parent volunteers for field trips and classroom projects, such as the Gala Basket. If this is something you are interested in, please email us at Thank you!