February Home Project

This month we will be focusing on Presidents for our home projects. Students can pick any former president. Your student will be sent home with a form to guide them in their research. Please let us know if you have any questions. Projects will be due on February 20th.

We need Drivers!

We currently only have 16 students taken care of for our field trip on Monday to the Ogden Nature Center. We need seats for 12 more students. We are supposed to be snowshoeing, but with the limited amount of snow, we will most likely be hiking instead. All of our students were sent home with information regarding this field trip on Monday. If you are able to drive and/or chaperone, please email Marissa at marissakay90@gmail.com. Marissa will be sending out a carpooling wejoinin by tomorrow. You’ll need to contact her in order to get your student signed up for a carpool. If we do not get enough drivers, you will be responsible for finding a way to get your student to/from the field trip.

Spelling Through February 20th

Dear families,

We are excited to announce we will be participating in the fourth annual spelling bee at our school. In hopes to encourage participation, we will stop Words Their Way spelling and focus on practicing words from the lists. Your student will be bringing home a packet with more information. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Ms. Lana and Ms. Carolyn

Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-up

Can you believe it is that time of year again? Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held Wednesday, February 14th – Friday, February 16th, 2018. These conferences are for parents and teachers only. Students will attend the last conference of the year. These three days are half days for our students. Please sign-up at https://www.trackitforward.com/site/389525/events. We look forward to meeting with you!

A”See you Later” Party for Emmy

Dear Parents,

One of our lovely third year students, Emmy, will be going on an adventure with her family. This adventures takes her up and away for the remainder of the year. We would like to give Emmy a SURPRISE “See you Later” party this Friday, February 2nd, 2018. If you would like to donate a healthy snack for our class to share, you can sign up at https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/pjhaq.  We are so grateful for Emmy and her family and we wish them all the best!

Many thanks,

Ms. Lana and Ms. Carolyn



Spelling Test #12: 01.30.18

Please practice the following words at home with your student. We will be testing them on Tuesday, January 30th, 2018.

Apples: focus on digraphs th/wh. We are looking to see if your student can identify the t, h, w, th, and wh starts of each of these words.

  1. thermos
  2. thimble
  3. thorn
  4. think
  5. whip
  6. whistle
  7. whisker
  8. whale
  9. wheel
  10. thirteen

Bananas: focus on cr/cl/fl/fr blends

  1. crown
  2. crayon
  3. clock
  4. clown
  5. fry
  6. freezer
  7. flower
  8. float
  9. flashlight
  10. cry

Grapes: focus on an/in/un/ab/ed/ob families 

  1. an
  2. clan
  3. shin
  4. spin
  5. spun
  6. pun
  7. jab
  8. blab
  9. wed
  10. bled
  11. knob
  12. snob

Kiwis: focus on short/long i and short/long o

  1. film
  2. child
  3. blind
  4. loss
  5. fond
  6. lost
  7. pond
  8. told
  9. most
  10. cold
  11. scold
  12. ghost
  13. roll

Blueberries: focus on high frequency compound words 

  1. somebody
  2. something
  3. someone
  4. themselves
  5. yourself
  6. myself
  7. herself
  8. himself
  9. anyone
  10. everyone
  11. everything
  12. anything
  13. nothing
  14. without
  15. outside
  16. throughout
  17. checkout
  18. inside
  19. beside
  20. sideways

January Home Projects are due!

January home projects were due today, Monday. Thank you to all of those students who had their project done. We had six presentations this morning and they all went so well! It was so fun to learn about each child’s interest and to find the similarities within the classroom. If your student has not completed this project, please have them do so.

Intent Forms Due on Friday

I cannot even believe that it is that time of year to determine if your student will be returning next year! All intent forms are due THIS Friday, January 19th in order to secure your student’s place at MMA for 2018-2019. You should have all received an email about this last week. I have had so much fun getting familiar with MMA and building a strong community within our classroom. I do hope that your family decides to stay at MMA to continue your student’s Montessori education. If you have any questions. please talk to the office staff.