Volunteer Opportunities

Dear Families,

We wanted to make you aware of some volunteer opportunities we have within our classroom for the year. If you are looking for ways to contribute your hours, we have opportunities to be a reading, cooking, or art guide. Below are the links to the volunteer sign-ups, which will also have descriptions for each. If you have a talent that you would be interested in sharing with our classroom, please feel free to contact Ms. Lana (Lpas@mariamontessoriacademy.org).

Cooking: https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/bclsn

Reading: https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/rgmhx

Art: https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/erjoi

2017-2018 Snack Sign-up

Please sign-up for two weeks to provide snack for the classroom with the following link: https://wejoinin.com/sheets/hvclv

There is a philosophical reason behind snack time in the Montessori Method.  Your child will gain the skills of helping to prepare (cutting apples, etc) and clean up snack and serve their classmates. This teaches leadership and is one of the children’s favorite activities. We will be teaching healthy eating habits and ask that only healthy snacks be brought for this time. We really need your help for this food preparation/snack time to work.  Fresh produce from your garden is a welcome snack as well. There will be a snack sign up sheet posted shortly.  Ideally, we ask that you provide snack twice during the school year.

Suggested Healthy Snacks

 Any fresh fruit or vegetables



Graham Crackers

Whole grain bagels or bread with cream cheese or butter

Strawberries, cantaloupe, oranges, grapes, apples, pears,

Dried fruit such as raisins or fruit leather

Granola or granola bars

Whole Wheat Crackers

            Dry cereal (no sugar coatings)


            Rice cakes



 Snacks do not need to be preassembled.  Teachers assist children with this.

 Please! No candy, sodas, chips/Cheetos, drink mixes, or peanut butter (because of allergies).

  Thank you for understanding our commitment to healthy minds and bodies.

Welcome to Ms. Lana’s Letters

Dear Parents,

Welcome to our blog! Ms. Carolyn and myself are excited to teach your student this coming school year. I have created “About Me” pages that gives a brief introduction to who we are! I am looking forward to seeing many of you at our Pool Party next month!

This blog will be our best form of communication when it comes to classroom needs and assignments. Please check back here weekly, to see updates from our classroom.

Happy Summer,

Ms. Lana and Ms. Carolyn