Weekly Spelling Lists
Please practice the following words at home with your student. We will be testing them on Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018.
Apples: focus on digraphs sh/ch. We are looking to see if your student can identify the c, s, h, sh, and ch starts of each of these words.
- shed
- shack
- cheese
- chain
- chief
- house
- hose
- shave
- shoe
- hat
Bananas: focus on pl/sl/bl blends
- plug
- pliers
- sled
- sleeve
- slipper
- blindfold
- block
- blade
- blouse
- blanket
Grapes: focus on at/ot/it/an/un/in families
- that
- flat
- plot
- trot
- quit
- skit
- fun
- run
- chin
- thin
- grin
- skin
Kiwis: focus on short/long i and igh/y
- quick
- quit
- write
- quite
- white
- might
- high
- sigh
- fight
- try
- why
- cry
Blueberries: focus on compound words
- bookcase
- bookmark
- bookworm
- cookbook
- lighthouse
- lightweight
- daylight
- flashlight
- downhill
- downstairs
- downtown
- countdown
- headache
- headfirst
- headlight
- headstrong
- snowman
- snowflake
- snowstorm
- snowplow