Please practice the following words at home with your student. We will be testing them on Tuesday, March 13th, 2018.
Strawberries: -an families
- tan
- can
- man
- fan
- van
- Dan
- ran
- ban
Pineapples: /f/ and /th/
- fib
- fed
- flat
- the
- this
- that
- fun
- fur
- thin
- think
Apples: focus on st blend
- tire
- sink
- tie
- stem
- stop
- stump
- star
- stamp
- stick
- six
Bananas: focus on pr/tr/dr blends
- price
- pretzel
- prize
- triangle
- truck
- trap
- drill
- dress
- dream
- dragon
Grapes: focus on -ick/-ack/-uck words
- chick
- quick
- trick
- stick
- quack
- snack
- black
- back
- truck
- stuck
- luck
- tuck
Kiwis: focus on ar/are/air words with a touch of homophones
- part
- sharp
- harm
- start
- pare
- pair
- pear
- stare
- stair
- fair
- fare
- wear
- where
- chair
Blueberries: focus on syllable juncture vcv and vvcv patterns
- human
- pilot
- student
- frozen
- humor
- music
- wagon
- second
- minute
- never
- planet
- present
- reason
- meeting
- peanut
- sneaker
- easy
- lazy
- finish
- visit