Please practice the following words at home with your student. We will be testing them on Tuesday, January 30th, 2018.
Apples: focus on digraphs th/wh. We are looking to see if your student can identify the t, h, w, th, and wh starts of each of these words.
- thermos
- thimble
- thorn
- think
- whip
- whistle
- whisker
- whale
- wheel
- thirteen
Bananas: focus on cr/cl/fl/fr blends
- crown
- crayon
- clock
- clown
- fry
- freezer
- flower
- float
- flashlight
- cry
Grapes: focus on an/in/un/ab/ed/ob familiesÂ
- an
- clan
- shin
- spin
- spun
- pun
- jab
- blab
- wed
- bled
- knob
- snob
Kiwis: focus on short/long i and short/long o
- film
- child
- blind
- loss
- fond
- lost
- pond
- told
- most
- cold
- scold
- ghost
- roll
Blueberries: focus on high frequency compound wordsÂ
- somebody
- something
- someone
- themselves
- yourself
- myself
- herself
- himself
- anyone
- everyone
- everything
- anything
- nothing
- without
- outside
- throughout
- checkout
- inside
- beside
- sideways