Spelling Test #11: Test on 01.23.18

Weekly Spelling Lists

Please practice the following words at home with your student. We will be testing them on Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018.

Apples: focus on digraphs sh/ch. We are looking to see if your student can identify the c, s, h, sh, and ch starts of each of these words. 

  1. shed
  2. shack
  3. cheese
  4. chain
  5. chief
  6. house
  7. hose
  8. shave
  9. shoe
  10. hat

Bananas: focus on pl/sl/bl blends

  1. plug
  2. pliers
  3. sled
  4. sleeve
  5. slipper
  6. blindfold
  7. block
  8. blade
  9. blouse
  10. blanket

Grapes: focus on at/ot/it/an/un/in families 

  1. that
  2. flat
  3. plot
  4. trot
  5. quit
  6. skit
  7. fun
  8. run
  9. chin
  10. thin
  11. grin
  12. skin

Kiwis: focus on short/long i and igh/y

  1. quick
  2. quit
  3. write
  4. quite
  5. white
  6. might
  7. high
  8. sigh
  9. fight
  10. try
  11. why
  12. cry

Blueberries: focus on compound words

  1. bookcase
  2. bookmark
  3. bookworm
  4. cookbook
  5. lighthouse
  6. lightweight
  7. daylight
  8. flashlight
  9. downhill
  10. downstairs
  11. downtown
  12. countdown
  13. headache
  14. headfirst
  15. headlight
  16. headstrong
  17. snowman
  18. snowflake
  19. snowstorm
  20. snowplow

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