Spelling Test #10: Test on 01.16.18

Weekly Spelling Lists

Please practice the following words at home with your student. We will be testing them on Tuesday, January 16th, 2018.

Apples: focus on digraph ch. We are looking to see if your student can identify the c, h, and ch starts of each of these words. 

  1. cherry
  2. chimney
  3. chin
  4. chop
  5. check
  6. chick
  7. comb
  8. heart
  9. cake
  10. horn

Bananas: focus on pl blend

  1. pail
  2. pie
  3. lock
  4. leaf
  5. plum
  6. plant
  7. pliers
  8. plate
  9. plane
  10. plus

Grapes: focus on wh/qu/tw blends and same sound k 

  1. king
  2. key
  3. wheelbarrow
  4. whisper
  5. quarter
  6. quiet
  7. question
  8. twelve
  9. twenty
  10. twins

Kiwis: focus on short/long u and ew/ue

  1. thumb
  2. brush
  3. stack
  4. plump
  5. new
  6. chew
  7. few
  8. flew
  9. flue
  10. due
  11. blue
  12. clue

Blueberries: focus on y + inflected endings 

  1. crying
  2. studying
  3. enjoying
  4. staying
  5. hurrying
  6. copying
  7. cries
  8. studies
  9. enjoys
  10. stays
  11. hurries
  12. copies
  13. cried
  14. studied
  15. enjoyed
  16. stayed
  17. hurried
  18. copied

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