Spelling Test #9: Test on 01.09.18

Weekly Spelling Lists

Please practice the following words at home with your student. We will be testing them on Tuesday, January 9th, 2018.

Apples: focus on digraph sh. We are looking to see if your student can identify the s, h, and sh starts to each of these words. There will be no penalty for incorrect spelling of the whole word. 

  1. shirt
  2. ship
  3. sheep
  4. shark
  5. shop
  6. saw
  7. soap
  8. hand
  9. ham
  10. socks

Bananas: focus on sc/sn/sw blends

  1. school
  2. scarecrow
  3. scarf
  4. snake
  5. snap
  6. snowman
  7. swan
  8. switch
  9. sweater
  10. swim

Grapes: focus on pr/tr/dr blends

  1. price
  2. pretzel
  3. prize
  4. triangle
  5. truck
  6. trap
  7. drill
  8. dress
  9. dream
  10. dragon

Kiwis: focus on short/long o and ow/oa

  1. stock
  2. long
  3. froze
  4. globe
  5. close
  6. oat
  7. coach
  8. roam
  9. show
  10. throw
  11. know
  12. grow

Blueberries: focus on y plurals

  1. monkeys
  2. alleys
  3. journeys
  4. valleys
  5. donkeys
  6. trays
  7. plays
  8. toys
  9. boys
  10. cities
  11. stories
  12. fireflies
  13. families
  14. armies
  15. duties
  16. parties
  17. ladies
  18. babies

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