Spelling Test #6: Test on 12.05.17

Weekly Spelling Lists

Please practice the following words at home with your student. We will be testing them on Tuesday, December 5th, 2017. Thank you for your support in this manner.

Apples: focus on short ut/ug/un families

  1. run
  2. cut
  3. tug
  4. sun
  5. shut
  6. bug
  7. jug
  8. nut

Bananas: focus on sh/ch/wh/th review digraphs. We are looking to see if your student understands the digraphs.

  1. shelf
  2. shave
  3. shirt
  4. shot
  5. cheese
  6. chick
  7. chair
  8. chain
  9. wheelbarrow (challenge word)
  10. thimble

Grapes: focus on cr/cl/fr/fl blends

  1. crown
  2. crayon
  3. clock
  4. clown
  5. fry
  6. freezer
  7. flower
  8. float
  9. flashlight
  10. cry

Kiwis: focus on ai/oa/ee/ea 

  1. wait
  2. thread
  3. need
  4. beast
  5. toast
  6. mail
  7. read
  8. three
  9. neat
  10. coast

Blueberries: focus on plural endings: adding es

  1. branches
  2. churches
  3. eyelashes
  4. crashed
  5. foxes
  6. mixes
  7. guesses
  8. kisses
  9. gloves
  10. horses
  11. voices
  12. changes
  13. places
  14. scratches

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