Spelling Lists 1/7-1/11

Over the Christmas break, I redid our spelling groups based on how the students were understanding their previous spelling lists. Most children have stayed in the same group, but some have been placed in new groups. I will go over this with the effected students tomorrow in class so that they know which group they are in from now on. I don’t anticipate readjusting groups again this year.

Pink Group (beginning sound only) – bug, mop, man, six, bell, sun, road, rain

Red Group – pig, pill, wig, lip, mill, hill, dig, zip, rip

Orange Group (beginning sound only) – shot, cheese, whip, thorn, ship, chick, whale, thumb, whiskers, thirteen

Yellow Group (beginning sound only) – broom, block, grapes, glass, grill, bridge, grass, brush, glove, blanket

Dark Green Group – last, mad, page, came, face, sack, what, grass, ask, make, base, snap

Green Group – wait, read, need, toast, mail, deaf, pea, moan, sheets, meant, cream, throat

Blue Group – jar, earn, torn, horse, hoarse, worst, core, serve, boar, bore, snore, march, sir, spur, snort, search