
Students at MMA participate in weekly Solo Time. For 20 minutes on Wednesday’s Advisory time, students are guided to engage in a personal interest that doesn’t have anything to do with school work; reading a book of choice, drawing, writing, crochet, meditating, doing a puzzle or something similar by themselves, are some of the activities that students enjoy participating in.  This is valuable time and not easy for all students to enjoy, but one that helps us meet our goal of educating the WHOLE child and one we believe strongly in facilitating.


In our fast-paced lives full of technology, activity and obligation, we are left with little “down time” for mindfulness. We believe the students who struggle with this concept are specifically those students that need this time the most and we strive to teach them to be okay, being alone.


Adolescents don’t instinctively know how to grow into healthy adults. They need help managing the stresses and pressures in their lives. Right now, teachers participating in the CMStep Montessori Adolescent certification program are taking a Mindfulness course in order to better guide students in understanding and benefiting from the practice of mindfulness.


Mindfulness is defined by as

a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.



Encourage your student to bring something from home to quietly participate in during this time, if they are struggling with the practice. Just like Yoga, sports or schoolwork, we need practice in order to become better (and none of us enjoy doing things we’re not good at).


The benefits are summarized below


Here are a few videos for your information.




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Intersession Week

Between our thematic cycles we celebrate our learning with a weeklong Intersession. describes Intersession as;


a short period [usually] between university terms, sometimes used by students to engage in projects outside the normal academic program.


As we wrap up with our first cycle of Change this week, we will be taking all 7th-9th grade students to Alta Ski Resort to study the Albion Basin in Cottonwood Canyon. Students will participate in surveying and classifying the life in the basin with a digital scientific organization called inaturalist. During this overnight trip, students will also be in charge of cooking their own meals and contributing to the community through service and group initiatives.


At the school, students will work together to make pumpkin pies as well as plan and prepare the much anticipated Haunted House for the Fall Festival. They’ll also participate in school service activities of winter garden preparation and linking art to math by making Hexaflexagons.


All students will also hear from our guest speaker, Ssgt. Otto and the changes she’s endured by fleeing war torn Sudan and being granted refugee status in the US. Intersession is a time full of real-life, hands-on learning that allows students to use the skills they’ve been learning outside the normal classrooms.


Today, Monday was a regular A day in which we wrapped up our learning through presentations, group work and reassessments.


Tuesday, Ms. Michelle, Mr. Adrian and Ms. Leigh’s houses will be heading to Alta. Ms. Kat, Mr. Dave, Coach Swain and Ms. Shilo’s houses will be participating in rotations of choice.


Wednesday we will have a documentary playing for those students who have a “layover” traveling to and from Alta and the few students who are not able to attend Alta will be working on the alternate assignment with a few staff assistants.


Thursday will be the flip of Tuesday, Ms. Michelle, Mr. Adrian and Ms. Leigh’s houses will be rotating at school. Ms. Kat, Mr. Dave, Coach Swain and Ms. Shilo’s houses will be wrapping up their day at Alta.


Friday will be a normal B day that mirrors Monday’s.


If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask a teacher or Ms. Kacee.


Thank you for all the food donations and carpool support! This is going to be a great trip!

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Thank You!

Students and Families,


This was our largest turn out for parent teacher conferences ever! Thank you for taking the time and for helping to make it a fantastic 3 days! The only thing better than teaching our students is sharing our students’ progress with families. The conversations we overheard and the individual celebrations of growth excite us for the learning to continue.

When you choose a Montessori Education for your child you are choosing high expectations for your child in both academics and action. Below are the outcomes we have seen exemplified by our current and graduating junior high students.

Supporting these ideals is no small feat and only achievable with both student and family support. Our teachers and students value a growth mindset and we know that only through our mistakes do we learn. Thank you for communicating with us so that we can individualize your child’s education. Never hesitate to reach out with questions or comments.

Thank you to the MAPA dinner committee that fed us these last 3 days. We are so grateful to have such a strong community behind us!

Have a Fantastic Fall Break! See you next week!

The Junior High Staff


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Alta Carpool Drivers



Permission slips are due on Monday.



All students need to be sure they have arranged their own rides to and from Alta. The school is not responsible for arranging transportation.

Jen Noyes our junior high mom has created this wejoin to support parents and students in arranging rides.


You can sign up to donate food supplies and find the packing list HERE

You can get another copy of the permission slip and driving directions HERE

We look forward to the opportunity to learn and grow outside the school building in our beautiful Utah!


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Alta Trip Supplies – REQUESTED and REQUIRED

Hello Families!

Below you will find a packing list for the Alta trip October 24th, 25th and 26th. Permission slips are due on Monday the 16th. If you need another copy, please email Ms. Leigh (our blogs are still being uncooperative and we are unable to add attachments).



We will be feeding 120 people over 3 days and we are requesting food donations for our meals. We will be having the following;


Breakfast – Dutch Oven Breakfast (eggs, potatoes, sausage and cheese) with bagels, cream cheese and fruit.


Lunch – Furoshiki Lunches (students will pack a sack lunch with sandwich makings and other items)


Dinner – Taco Bar


Documentary Snacks – Hot chocolate and Popcorn.


Please sign up here to donate what you can. These types of donations make these trips happen and you can count the time spent at the store toward your 40 hours of volunteer service!


Please bring all donations to the Yurt Monday Oct. 16 – Monday Oct 24.



  • ◻   Daypack
  • ◻   Bandana or other multipurpose cloths for napkin use, hand-drying/nose 
  • ◻   Mess kit (bowl, plate, cup, spoon, fork, knife) with mesh bag (the bag will be used to hang 
your mess kit from a clothesline to dry and can be as simple as a grapefruit bag) 

  • ◻   2-3 pairs of socks
  • ◻   Underwear for 2 days
  • ◻   1-2 t-shirts
  • ◻   1 long sleeved shirt
  • ◻   Base Layers (long underwear)
  • ◻   1-2 pair long pants
  • ◻   1 sweatshirt
  • ◻   1 pair close-toed shoes (think warmth and traction – possible snow and mud)
  • ◻  PJs
  • ◻  Sleeping bag and pillow
  • ◻  Bedroll 
 / Sleeping Pad
  • ◻  Winter coat ( for all possible types of weather – snow and rain)
  • ◻  Small towel, and washcloth 
(we will not have showers but sinks can be used to wash)
  • ◻  Gallon ziplock bags for wet transport
  • ◻   Gloves 
and beanie
  • ◻   Toiletries – no makeup
  • ◻   Flashlight
  • ◻   Reusable water bottle
  • ◻   Cell Phone / Tablet and Charger (cell phone may come on this trip – primarily for taking photos and data project, but it should be used as little as possible)


  • Do Not Pack
  • ◻   Make-up
  • ◻   Food (Including candy and gum)
  • ◻   Drink (Excluding water bottle)
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Parent Teacher Conference Sign Ups

All Students


Please sign up at the following links. You can choose to sign up for only your students’ advisor or for other teachers as needed.

Monday Oct. 16

Tuesday Oct. 17

Wednesday Oct. 18


9th Graders


Our school counselor will be holding 9th grade College and Career Readiness (CCR) meetings during these evenings as well. In addition to the above requested meetings with the teachers, please schedule a time to meet with Ms. Andrea and your student for 30 minutes to discuss 9th grade credit requirements, plans for high school and beyond.

Any student who has not signed up will be assigned a time and notified of their scheduled time on October 13th.This is an essential time to help assure success in 9th grade and future college and/or career plans. Thank you for making this a priority.

If these dates/times do not work for you, please email Ms. Andrea at or call 801-827-0150 and she will work around your schedule.

9th Grade CCR Meetings


If you have questions, please email Ms. Kacee


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Alta Overnight Trip and Chaperones Needed

Please be aware of the following schedules and begin to make arrangements for your students for this awesome opportunity. Carpool sign ups will be coming via email soon and field trip permission slips will be sent home shortly.
Students will be visiting Alta Ski Resort to study the Cottonwood Forest and its inhabitants.

House Attendance

Group A Advisories will be going from Tuesday, October 24rd from 8:15am to Wednesday, October 25th at 12pm.
Ms. Leigh
Ms. Michelle
Mr. Adrian
Group B Advisories will be going from Wednesday, October 25th at 10:45am to Thursday October 26th at 3pm.
Ms. Kat
Ms. Shilo
Mr. Dave
Mr. Casey

We will need drivers for the following times


Tuesday 10/24
  • Leave MMA at 8:15 and travel to Alta, Ski Resort. Arrive at approximately 10:00am (47 students going).
Wednesday 10/25
  • Leave MMA at 10:45am and travel to Alta, Ski Resort. Arrive at approximately 12pm. (67 students going)
  • Leave Alta at 12:00 and travel back to MMA arriving at approximately 1:45 (47 students going)
Thursday 10/26
  • Leave Alta at 3pm and travel back to MMA. (67 students going)



Chaperones Needed





In order to make this trip happen we will need at least 2 male chaperones for Group A (

And at least 2 males and 1 female for Group B.

If you can chaperone please email Ms. Leigh at

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Q and A about grading

Q: “How can I help keep my child on track with the work required in junior high?”


A: Students are provided a checklist in each of their classes that will help guide their learning and assist them in keeping track of their work. Copies of checklists can be found on each teachers’ blog and are due two weeks after they are given. This is similar to how the upper elementary works and supports self-directed learning, accountability and independence.


In keeping with the Montessori philosophy of Mastery Learning, not all required work will be given a grade because it does not demonstrate an understanding of the required content. but is necessary to complete in order to aide learning.


For example, a syllabus must be turned in, but is not given a grade. Notebooks and folders must be set up, but are not given a grade. In the real world we do work, because we know it needs to be done, not because someone is grading it. The work that needs to be done can be found on the checklists.Teachers do keep track of things that are missing and when checklists are turned in, the teacher will also make note on the students’ checklist that something is missing.


Q: “How do I know what grade my child has in each class?”


A: In a standards based system the traditional grade of “A, B, C, D and F” are not applicable. We measure proficiency of a standard in order to provide remediation or extensions of the learning.


For example a standard in Language Arts for 8th grade is:


Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts.


To measure this standard, Ms. Shilo will craft an assessment that determines whether students can independently understand and apply the meaning of the following metaphor found in the novel, Wonder.

“Your deeds are your monuments.”

If a student needs help understanding and articulating that this means that people will be remembered for their actions (either good or bad), then they would be Approaching Proficiency (or a level 2)  for the standard for this grade level.


If a student understands this metaphor and can cite an example from their own life or find other examples of metaphors within the text or elsewhere, then the student would be at a Distinguished level of proficiency (or a level 4) for this standard.


If a student is not proficient, then reteaching will occur and they will have an additional opportunity to demonstrate their increased knowledge. Just like in the real world, if we fail our drivers ed exam on the first try, we can try again after we’ve studied more and improved our understanding.


Q: “Why isn’t the school using ASPIRE anymore?”


A: ASPIRE did not meet the schools philosophical needs. It averaged scores so that learning actually counted against students. It provided A-F scores and students were not focused on what they needed to do to improve their understanding but what they needed to do to improve their grade.


Mastery Connect, used by Alpine and Jordan school districts (along with a number of other Charter schools in Utah) is more in line with our needs to make the move toward the growth mindset of Standards Based Grading.


Because this is a new system, we will not be opening the parent and student portal until second semester (mid January). Until then, you and your student will keep track of work and proficiency by their checklists and/or direct communication with the teacher.


However, reports like the one below will be provided at the October Parent Teacher Conference and will allow us to have a conversation about the successes and challenges your student is having.


Screen Shot 2017-09-18 at 10.26.25 AM


The exception to this is that 9th graders will have a traditional grade transferred from Mastery Connect at the end of each quarter in order for them to begin to earn a GPA towards their high school graduation.


This grade will be a direct correlation of their understanding of the grad level content (or in the case of students with an IEP, their personalized learning goals). It will not include extraneous things like whether a student brought in extra supplies and received extra credit (as is given in other traditional settings).


In the event that you feel as though your student’s grade or demonstration of mastery is not accurate please speak with your student’s teacher, advisor or Ms. Kacee.


As we learn this new program we will need your feedback so we can continue to grow towards our potential. Please communicate openly with the teachers or Ms. Kacee.


You can learn more about MMAs journey towards Mastery learning as well as the state of Utah’s current work in this area,  by visiting the Mastery Learning and Grading link under the Resource tab. Or by clicking HERE 

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Welcome Ms. Lisa

We’ve gained a new College and Career Awareness, Business Marketing and Study Skills instructor! We’re sad to see Mr. Travis go but we wish him luck on his next journey.


Lisa has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in English from Brigham Young University. College life included a study abroad in France and 3 semesters in BYU Hawaii. These experiences helped to give her a love of education and helping others.

This love of learning led Lisa to Maria Montessori Academy. She is so happy to share that excitement with others and feels honored to get to work with the amazing people and students at MMA.

After college Lisa spent many years in the business sector. She developed skills in HR, team development, secession planning, operations, acquisition and retention and talent development. She believes these skills will be valuable in teaching Business and Career Development options and to help the students prepare for careers.

Lisa loves to travel, explore, meet new people, and discover new places. First and foremost, she is a mother and wife. Her family are her best friends, and they make everything more fun! They have a giant Pomeranian named Jack. As a family they love camping, road trips, hiking, hanging out, and reading books together.


We’re thrilled to have Ms. Lisa join our team and we know the students will gain valuable skills from her! We’ll get her blog up and running soon, in the meantime if you have questions don’t hesitate to reach out to her


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Parent Open House!

Parent Open House — Thursday September 7th from 6-7:30


1_Parent Open House Pic


6:00 pm in the Yurtable — “Montessori Adolescent 101” — learn about the grading and assessment system, field experiences, the new building and general program goals.


Afterward, classrooms will be open and teachers will be ready to answer your questions about their classrooms, content, homework and other questions you might have pertaining to the subject areas.


You can also visit the “Elementary Montessori 101” at 6:30 in the gym.


This event is for adults only.


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