What Makes it Montessori at the Adolescent Level?

“The adolescent must never be treated as a child, for that is a stage of life that he has surpassed. It is better to treat an adolescent as if he had greater value than he actually shows than as if he had less and let him feel that his merits and self-respect are disregarded.” (Childhood to Adolescence, P. 72)



With a low student to teacher ratio, teachers get to know their students on a personal level. Knowing students personalities and interests outside of school helps them to create lessons that interest and challenge each child individually. Students work together in small communities, called advisories and support one another’s unique strengths and weaknesses.


Through cooperation with one another and their teachers, students can achieve higher levels of independence and academics. Group projects, teacher teaming and community involvement support this cooperation.

Service and dignity of humans

By providing service to others we can find our true purpose. Students are asked to contribute 10 hours of service each year to their community and they are given multiple opportunities to participate in service at the school through fundraisers, peer mentoring other classroom activities.

Nobility of work

All work is noble. Each person is valued for what they can bring to their community. The person who takes out the garbage each day is equally as important as the person who leads the group in their restoration process. Additionally, students study different types of college and career options to explore the numerous opportunities our world of work and learning provide.

Role of the teacher

In a Montessori school the teacher is a guide and a coach. They provide the lessons necessary for each child at the level at which they are functioning with an eye toward what is expected for each grade level. Teachers follow the students’ interests and abilities.

Hope and progression of the human spirit

The goal of education at an adolescent level is to use the curriculum to help students feel as though they can make a difference.


“Valorization is Montessori’s term for the adolescent’s process of becoming a strong and worthy person. Valorization comes gradually to the adolescent as she realizes she is useful and capable of effort. This is accomplished only by the work of the mind, hands, and heart. It happens when adolescents have appropriate responsi- bilities and expectations; when they are able to experience the joy that comes from successfully meeting challenges, and the character building that is the result for their restitution when they have made poor decisions.” (M. Donahoe http://cmstep.com/wp-content/uploads/Valorization_of_the_Personality1.pdf)




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Intersession Next Week!

We’ve got some awesome activities coming up next week for the culmination of the POWER cycle! Students will be bringing home permission slips (if the activity is off campus) for the various intensives happening on the 14th and 15th. Visiting Weber State, Hiking, a Harry Potter Hangout and Mindfulness intensives are just some of the awesome things happening! All slips are due back Monday and families are responsible for getting their students to and from the intensive.

See below for additional information about two of the intensives offered that support a healthy community and the power of the teenage voice.

Every seven weeks Junior High students at Maria Montessori Academy participate in intersession activities as a culminating event for a cycle of learning. March 14th and 15th will wrap up the third-cycle of the year, which focused on all types of power. The school’s 112 adolescents will choose which intersession intensive to attend, two of which will be The Power of Teen Activists in support of the victims of the Parkland, Florida school shooting and The Power of Hope as a solution to happier and healthier school communities.

Students who choose The Power of Teen Activists intersession, and obtain parent permission, will prepare for and participate in the nationwide school walkout in support of the #NationalSchoolWalkout movement demanding action from Congress to keep us safe in our schools. Students will stand at the intersection of Washington Blvd. and 2500 North in North Ogden on March 14th at 10:00 am, in memory of the 17 American lives lost on February 14th. Community members and elementary students, with parent chaperones, are welcome to attend the walkout event as well.

Upon their return to school after the 17-minute walkout, Roy City Mayor, Robert Dandoy, will speak to group about how teens can make a political difference, and to share his own story on becoming politically active. Additionally, students will study other grassroots activists and discover the incredible power of their own voice through various projects, including writing letters to Congress.

Hope Squad members will gather the following day on March 15th to build a healthier and happier community through activities that prevent bullying, self-harm and suicide in The Power of HOPE intersession choice. “Hope Squads are the eyes and ears of a school. They are comprised of students who are trained to watch for at-risk students, while providing friendship, identifying warning signs, and seeking help from adults. Hope Squad advisors train students who have been identified by their classmates as trustworthy peers to serve as Hope Squad members” (hopesquad.com). Maria Montessori Academy’s Hope Squad, run by the school counselor, is in its first year and is receiving enormous accolades as a student support system.

Power is important to teens, whether it is something they have or something for which they wish. It can take many forms (chemical, electrical, political, for example). In this cycle of learning, students examined how power is always present in some form, that it has the ability to influence others, and that it may be used or abused. Empowering students with the tools and knowledge to wield their power in a positive way is one of the ways Maria Montessori Academy promotes education for a better world.


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March Intersession

It’s Intersession time again, and we’re excited to explore all things related to our theme of Power. Last Intersession, we introduced our new Intensive Classes, and it was a lot of fun. We did things like make gemstone jewelry, cook up some tasty treats, perform a service project at a homeless shelter, and take a yoga class. This Intersession will be just as much fun.


If you attended the community meeting today, then you got to hear all about the great classes we’re offering. If you weren’t there, then check out our list of classes here:




Please note these important dates and class selection information below:


Friday February 2nd: By this date, students must have used the following link to select their first and second class choices. Any students who have not done this will be placed in open courses. USE THIS LINK: ttps://goo.gl/forms/V0xtvXtBjNGzDm3C2


Monday March 5th: Students will be informed of their acceptance and permission slips will be distributed for those going off campus.


Monday March 12th : Permission are due on this date. (NO exceptions. If you do not have your permission slip in by this date you will be placed elsewhere).


If you have any questions about this process, check in with your Advisor.

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The Importance of Attending School


41% of our students have missed 10 or more days of school. This is a significant problem. Students can not be expected to keep up with their lessons and independent work if they are not at school. Students should attend every single day unless they have a fever or have thrown up.

Please make every effort to have your student here, and on time, every single day. If students are absent they MUST follow up with their teachers to see what work they need to make up.

Thank you for your support. If you have questions, please let me know.


Ms. Kacee


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Thank you and a Great Resource

Thank you all for attending conferences. It is lovely to share your children’s growth with you! Thanks for taking the time to let your students know how important their education is. Please reach out to your teachers if you have any questions between now and the end of the year.


As I am planning for a class that I’ll be teaching I stumbled across this TED talk and it seemed essential to share at this time.



Thank you,


Ms. Kacee

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7th Grade History Fair- Judges needed

Our 7th graders will be participating in the National History Day Fair next Wednesday in the gym from 1 – 2:30. We are looking for 5 or 6 judges to help judge our 40 students’ projects. These hours will contribute to your 40 hours.



If you can  have questions please contact Ms. Kacee or Mr. Adrian



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Parent Teacher Conference Dinner Sign Ups

From our MAPA president, Heidi Bradley,


The Jr. High had to do PTC this week due to their training last week. MAPA is doing a dinner for them. We only have 6 sign ups so far. Please sign up to bring or help with your time:


Remember this goes towards your required 40 hours:)

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Student-Led Conferences – February 21st and 22nd




Students will be sharing their portfolios with you on Wednesday and Thursday between 3:30 and 7. Please join us at your convenience. You can meet individually with teachers between portfolio review and you can also view Mastery Connect with your student to see where they may be struggling in their learning and help make a plan to improve the learning.



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Ogden Nordic Center Field Experience Photos

Despite the return of winter with cold and snow, there were lots of smiles! Thanks to Ms. Nicoletta, Ms. Michelle and all our chaperones and drivers!


Although we didn’t get to cross country ski or snowshoe as originally planned, it was a unique opportunity for students to get outdoors, enjoy the beauty of, and learn a bit about our backyard.



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Weber High Registration – 9th graders

Dear Families,

9th graders who are planning on going to Weber High next year will be attending a meeting with the Weber High school counselors on February 20th from 8:35-9:35 in Ms. Shilo’s classroom. We will send home registration packets early next week. These packets are due back on the 20th. You  must also provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate and immunizations since your child will be newly registering in Weber School District.

The counselors will be here to help students register for the classes that will help lead to their goals for college or careers. Although students can not register online at this time there is a lot of important information found HERE

If you have questions please reach out to Ms. Kacee or Ms. Andrea



Students who are not attending Weber High will need to contact their chosen high school to determine the registration process. We are more than happy to help if you need. Please let us know.

Although we will miss your student next year we are so excited to see and feel the light they will bring to the world because they attended MMA.

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