Please use this link to sign up for a ride to the OWATC, on May 11, 2017.
Advisory Schedule | May 8 – 12
Monday: Plan out the remainder of the school year
Tuesday: Work Cycle
Wednesday: Speed dating activity as a junior high (it’s not really dating, it’s just talking and changing partner quickly)
Thursday: Work Cycle with movement (Remember, portfolios are due 12th)
Friday: Personal World/Portfolio meetings (meet with your adviser to present your portfolio)
Ogden Weber Applied Technology College Visit | May 11
Hello Students and Parents,
On Thursday, all 7th and 8th grade students will be going to the Ogden Weber Applied Technical College from 9-11:30 for a tour and hands on experience. I love taking students to the ATC because they start to see how near they are to options for more job training. Parents should drop off their students between 8:45 and 9:00 at the bus stop in front (facing west) of the ATC. We will then ride the city bus home on our return trip. Lunch will be enjoyed at the school.
Please see the attached cover letter for details of the day as well as the permission form.
Thank you,
Ms. Emily
Class Registration Forms
Dear students and families,
Registration forms for the 2017-2018 school year are due! If you have not turned these in, please do so by Wednesday the 10th. Class rosters are being built and if you are any later you will not get a choice of electives. If you have questions about the registration process or anything else, please contact Ms. Valeri at Attached are the forms so you can print another copy if necessary.
Junior High Team
Link for Hope Squad
Hello Students,
Listed below is a link to a google form. This form is the method we are using to gather nominations for the Hope Squad. Please follow the link, and complete the form.
reply to me with questions.
Thank you,
James Loken, MPA
Instructional Technology Specialist
Maria Montessori Academy
2505 N 200 E
North Ogden, UT 84414
(801) 827-0150
Suicide Prevention and MMA’s Hope Squad Program (parents, please read)
We appreciate the presentation Weber County Health provided our student body yesterday. They did a fantastic job talking candidly about suicide, the verbal, situation, and behavior warning signs. The students were each given a warning sign and asked to move to the area of the classroom matching it to the appropriate category. They taught the students about Q.P.R. and how it’s like C.P.R. in being equipped with the knowledge of being a first responder.
Q – Questioning
Each student was given the chance to practice verbalizing “Are you thinking of suicide?” with the instructor.
P – persuade
To persuade someone who may be in a suicide crisis to anyone who is the position to offer help like parents, teachers, police, neighbors, squad leaders, etc.
R – Refer
Taking them to the gatekeeper, a person in a position to help, for a referral to a interventionist.
QPR’s intent is also to identify and interrupt the crisis and direct that person to the proper care.
The school is currently developing a Hope Squad program. These students will meet twice a month with our counselor, Ms. Valeri, to receive training for at risk students, provide friendship, identify warning signs, and seek help from adults. Hope Squad members are empowered to seek help and save a life. This is a state wide program called “Hope for Utah.” There are currently 5013 members is the state. 2874 student have been referred for help through this organization.
Check it out:
To nominate yourself or a fellow student use the following Google link:
Please reach out to Ms. Valeri with questions,
Important Message to Parents!
Dear Families,
You may have heard about the new series on Netflix, “13 Reasons Why”, which romanticizes a young girls suicide, and you may know that suicide is the leading cause of death for Utahns ages 10-17.
We want to do everything possible to prevent feelings of self-harm and suicide in our students, which is why we have asked a specialist from QPR Institute to visit with all 7th, 8th and 9th graders tomorrow, Tuesday May 2, 2017, to discuss suicide prevention. In addition, our school counselor and administrator will be attending a networking event with educators from around the state titled “Stress & the Teenage Brain: Understanding Suicide & Self Injury & What Educators Can Do To Help”, in order to better help facilitate our teachers’ knowledge and skills to support students during this period of development.
Professional organizations nationwide recommend that children do not watch this series. If you choose to allow your child to watch this series, we recommend that you watch it together and use it to guide conversations about healthy relationships and coping strategies. Please open this dialogue with your child if you have not already done so.
More resources and information can be found below and, if you feel the need, please reach out to a trained mental health professional.
13 Reasons Why, and Its Unintended Consequences” by Brooke Fox, LCSW:
– Suicide Prevention Resources:
– Recommendations for Reporting on Suicide:
– 13 Reasons Why Talking Points:
– Hope4Utah:
– National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
– SafeUT Smartphone App:
If you have questions about the program please contact or If you would like to attend with your student please feel free to do so, contact the school for the schedule of when your child will be attending the workshop.
As always, thank you for your support.
Kacee Weaver, M.Ed.
Curriculum Instructional Specialist
Maria Montessori Academy
Upcoming Events
Please take note of the following events.
May 4 B day portfolios travel to each class
May 5 A day portfolio travel to each class
May 5 Peer Mentor’s at Quail Meadows 10-11
May 8-12 Freshman Trip Crow Canyon
May 8 Teacher Appreciation – best manners day
May 9 Peer Mentor’s Senior Presentations at Quail Meadows 10:30-11:30
May 9 Teacher Appreciation – bring a single flower
May 10 Advanced Erdkinder Outdoor Rock Climbing 9-1
May 10 Teacher Appreciation – Drop your teacher a note day
May 11 7th/8th grade students touring ATC 9-11:30 am
May 11 Teacher Appreciation – Bring your teacher a drink
May 12 Teacher Appreciation – Donate an item day (jr high needs pencils, sharpies, duct tape, glue sticks)
May 15 Portfolios due, but students can reassess until May 26th
May 16 9th Grade Capstone Fair, 10-11 am in gym
May 16 Bear River Migratory Refuge with Mr. Rob & Ms. Leigh (all students welcome, must apply)
May 17 9th Grade field experience: Oasis Community Garden
May 17&18 Farm over Night-er for 7th & 8th grades
May 18 Freshman help with Early Childhood Field Day
May 18 Choir Concert 7pm gym
May 19 Field Day at Lomond View Park 9-2 (Meet at the park)
May 19 Freshman Graduation 5:30 pm, gym
May 19 Last day to submit student work to teachers
May 20 Freshman Grad Party
May 22-24 Parent Teacher Conferences (early release all week)
May 25 10:30 6th Grade Bridging, a few jr students will be invited to receive the graduates
May 25 Wrap up activity for the year
May 26 Last day of school (Yearbook signing day) (Kickball)
SAGE is Fast Approaching
It’s nearly test time. Sage testing is right around the corner. Please refer to the following dates and times for testing in Language, Science, and Math.
This test is a snap shot from one perspective that will help us craft our curriculum.
Please offer every advantage for your student to do their very best. We don’t want to cause test anxiety, but a feeling of preparation. Be positive and confident that you know your child will do their best. Here are some tips:
Throughout the year especially during the weeks prior to the test:
- Provide a regular, quiet homework spot.
- Set high expectations for attendance.
- Emphasize the importance of the test, but build confidence, not anxiety.
The night before the test:
- Get plenty of rest
- Keep their routine as normal as possible.
- Plan ahead to avoid conflicts the morning of the test.
The morning of the test:
- Get up a few minutes early so there is not a sense of ‘rush.’
- Eat a nutritious breakfast.
- Dress comfortably within the dress code.