Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wear Your Pajamas Tomorrow

Good Evening! Ms. Stephanie just gave permissions for the jr high students to enjoy a day wearing pajamas tomorrow, Friday, in celebration of Literacy Week.  Please make sure that your jammies are modest and that there are no logos.  This … Continue reading

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March Lunch Sign-Ups

Please sign up for a room to eat lunch in, at this link.

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Advisory Schedule February 13 – 17

Monday: Practice portfolio presentations and fill out service hours Tuesday: Work cycle Wednesday-Friday: Due to early out, students will have lunch in Advisory

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Science Fair Results!

Congratulations to all for another successful fair. We would also like to thank everyone who helped prior to and during the fair – you all helped make it work so well. Here are the results: Overall 1st Place Fair Winner: … Continue reading

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Service Opportunity for February 7 and 8

The Science Fair is in need of set up and clean up assistance.  This is a great opportunity for students to get their service hours.  We are looking for help Tuesday after 3 pm, and Wednesday after 5 to clean … Continue reading

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Important Information for the 9th Grade Trip

Please find the information/permission form packet at the following link.  This packet contains general information, permission forms, and packing guidelines for the trip.  Listed below are some additional tasks that parents must complete with their student.     May 7-13, … Continue reading

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Advisory Schedule February 6-10

Monday:  In house activity Tuesday: Work Cycle Wednesday: Special Large Community Meeting Thursday: Work Cycle with movement Friday: Personal world

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Carnation Sell to Support the 9th Grade Trip

Flowers can be purchased before/after school, and during lunch.  Sales end February 10.

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Sign-up links for Parent Teacher Conferences

For this Parent Teacher Conference we will be doing a block system for parents and students to meet with Advisory teachers first, and then travel to your student’s other teachers. Please sign up for your student’s advisory teacher, which is … Continue reading

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Advisory Schedule January 30th to February 3rd

Monday:  Planner check & lesson on working memory Tuesday: Work cycle Wednesday:  Team building activity ‘Balloon Tower’ Thursday: Work cycle with movement Friday: Personal World

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