Author Archives: MMA JH


Students at MMA participate in weekly Solo Time. For 20 minutes on Wednesday’s Advisory time, students are guided to engage in a personal interest that doesn’t have anything to do with school work; reading a book of choice, drawing, writing, … Continue reading

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Intersession Week

Between our thematic cycles we celebrate our learning with a weeklong Intersession. describes Intersession as;   a short period [usually] between university terms, sometimes used by students to engage in projects outside the normal academic program.   As we … Continue reading

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Thank You!

Students and Families,   This was our largest turn out for parent teacher conferences ever! Thank you for taking the time and for helping to make it a fantastic 3 days! The only thing better than teaching our students is … Continue reading

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Alta Carpool Drivers

Hello!   Permission slips are due on Monday.     All students need to be sure they have arranged their own rides to and from Alta. The school is not responsible for arranging transportation. Jen Noyes our junior high mom … Continue reading

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Alta Trip Supplies – REQUESTED and REQUIRED

Hello Families! Below you will find a packing list for the Alta trip October 24th, 25th and 26th. Permission slips are due on Monday the 16th. If you need another copy, please email Ms. Leigh (our blogs are still being … Continue reading

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Parent Teacher Conference Sign Ups

All Students   Please sign up at the following links. You can choose to sign up for only your students’ advisor or for other teachers as needed. Monday Oct. 16 Tuesday Oct. 17 Wednesday Oct. 18   9th Graders   … Continue reading

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Alta Overnight Trip and Chaperones Needed

Please be aware of the following schedules and begin to make arrangements for your students for this awesome opportunity. Carpool sign ups will be coming via email soon and field trip permission slips will be sent home shortly. Students will … Continue reading

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Q and A about grading

Q: “How can I help keep my child on track with the work required in junior high?”   A: Students are provided a checklist in each of their classes that will help guide their learning and assist them in keeping … Continue reading

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Welcome Ms. Lisa

We’ve gained a new College and Career Awareness, Business Marketing and Study Skills instructor! We’re sad to see Mr. Travis go but we wish him luck on his next journey.   Lisa has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in English … Continue reading

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Parent Open House!

Parent Open House — Thursday September 7th from 6-7:30     6:00 pm in the Yurtable — “Montessori Adolescent 101” — learn about the grading and assessment system, field experiences, the new building and general program goals.   Afterward, classrooms … Continue reading

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