Author Archives: MMA JH
Advisory Weekly Schedule
Monday: Academic lesson & plan out the week using the planner Tuesday: Work cycle in house Wednesday: Team building Thursday: Work cycle in house, but students can use their planners to get signatures from teachers in advance to form small … Continue reading
Fall Festival Haunted House
Dear Parents and Students, For the upcoming Fall Festival we will be creating a haunted house. All the proceeds from this event will directly benefit your students throughout this school year. We are asking for donations of any Halloween objects, … Continue reading
A & B Day Schedule
Have you been looking for the A & B Day Schedule? This year the schedule is located on the outlook calendar: MMA Outlook Calendar
September Lunch
Please sign up for which room you would like to eat lunch in for the month of SEPTEMBER. We encourage students to coordinate with friends to select a room that works for them. Please sign up once, if sign up … Continue reading
MMA Facebook Page
If you would like to stay connected with Maria Montessori Academy through Facebook follow our new Facebook page at Maria Montessori Academy of Utah. This is an official school communication source in which school policies, procedures, event, and other information will be … Continue reading
Thespian Society
Thespian Society Be a part of the Fall School Play! Performance in November! Rehearsals will be every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 3:15-4:30pm. Thespian Society Flyer
Becoming a Certified Driver
The school will be providing an opportunity to parents to be background checked between 6:30 and 7:30 tomorrow night during Back-to-School Night. Parents who wish to be certified drivers for field trips, or will be volunteering at the school for … Continue reading
Advisory Houses
Welcome back MMAJH students! At the end of each day, we gather in 7 advisory houses. We are having fun this week getting to know about each other. Here is a schedule of our activities so that conversations at home … Continue reading
Jr. High Student Fees
Good Morning, Junior High Fees for the 2016-17 school year are $195.00 per student. Reference the breakdown of the fees on the Jr. High Fee Schedule located on the school’s main website, there is also a link below. Please … Continue reading