WSU Challenge Course | August 30 and 31, 2017

The Jr High will be going to the WSU Challenge Course on August 30th & 31st  from  9:00am – 12:15pm. They will be participating in team building exercises and completing a challenge course.


August 30th:

Advisory Houses attending the challenge course – Ms Leigh, Ms Shilo and Mr Adrian


August 31st:

Advisory Houses attending the challenge course – Ms Kat, Ms Michelle, Coach Swain and Mr Dave



WSU Challenge Course

University Village

1321 E 4600 S Ogden Utah 84403.

Far south side of parking lot entrance


We will not have certified drivers for this field experience. The school encourages parental collaboration to get students to and from this event. If you cannot secure a ride with another driver, you are responsible for transportation arrangements.


Permission forms are due Friday August 25th. Here are the forms:

cover letter

permission form

assumption of risk



We are currently looking for Certified Drivers for the 2017-2018 school year. It’s a great way to help our students and complete your volunteer hours. If you are interested in becoming a Certified Driver please complete the Driving Procedure Form, have a MMA background check and provide a Copy of your Drivers License and Auto Insurance. Please contact the office if you have any questions 801-827-0150


driving procedures

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