SAGE is Fast Approaching

It’s nearly test time.  Sage testing is right around the corner.  Please refer to the following dates and times for testing in Language, Science, and Math.

JH SAGE 16-17

This test is a snap shot from one perspective that will help us craft our curriculum.

Please offer every advantage for your student to do their very best.  We don’t want to cause test anxiety, but a feeling of preparation.  Be positive and confident that you know your child will do their best.  Here are some tips:

Throughout the year especially during the weeks prior to the test:

  • Provide a regular, quiet homework spot.
  • Set high expectations for attendance.
  • Emphasize the importance of the test, but build confidence, not anxiety.


The night before the test:

  • Get plenty of rest
  • Keep their routine as normal as possible.
  • Plan ahead to avoid conflicts the morning of the test.


The morning of the test:

  • Get up a few minutes early so there is not a sense of ‘rush.’
  • Eat a nutritious breakfast.
  • Dress comfortably within the dress code.
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