All families are encouraged to volunteer forty (40) hours of service each school year.
You can log your family volunteer hours on the computer located in the front entryway of the school. Simply input “Off Site Hours” when you volunteer for the school, both on and off campus.
In accordance with State Law, volunteers who work with minors may be subject to background checks. These checks, along with fingerprinting of volunteers are performed by school staff or our management company. Volunteers who require a background check must sign a waiver. Periodic scans will be scheduled at the school for your convenience. All background checks are kept confidential. If you have questions regarding background checks please contact the school office or Academica West at (801) 444-9378.
Here are some suggested opportunities specifically for the Junior High:
Drive students to a field trip
Chaperone a field trip
Cut out laminated items
Provide requested donation items (often listed on the blog)
Volunteer to enrich class subject (e.g. share information about a hobby, career, or personal experience related to the subject)
Assist with various projects throughout the year (e.g. sewing, cooking, gardening, or construction)
Montessori Academy Parent Association (MAPA) activities. Visit the MAPA blog and the MAPA webpage