Alta Trip Supplies – REQUESTED and REQUIRED

Hello Families!

Below you will find a packing list for the Alta trip October 24th, 25th and 26th. Permission slips are due on Monday the 16th. If you need another copy, please email Ms. Leigh (our blogs are still being uncooperative and we are unable to add attachments).



We will be feeding 120 people over 3 days and we are requesting food donations for our meals. We will be having the following;


Breakfast – Dutch Oven Breakfast (eggs, potatoes, sausage and cheese) with bagels, cream cheese and fruit.


Lunch – Furoshiki Lunches (students will pack a sack lunch with sandwich makings and other items)


Dinner – Taco Bar


Documentary Snacks – Hot chocolate and Popcorn.


Please sign up here to donate what you can. These types of donations make these trips happen and you can count the time spent at the store toward your 40 hours of volunteer service!


Please bring all donations to the Yurt Monday Oct. 16 – Monday Oct 24.



  • ◻   Daypack
  • ◻   Bandana or other multipurpose cloths for napkin use, hand-drying/nose 
  • ◻   Mess kit (bowl, plate, cup, spoon, fork, knife) with mesh bag (the bag will be used to hang 
your mess kit from a clothesline to dry and can be as simple as a grapefruit bag) 

  • ◻   2-3 pairs of socks
  • ◻   Underwear for 2 days
  • ◻   1-2 t-shirts
  • ◻   1 long sleeved shirt
  • ◻   Base Layers (long underwear)
  • ◻   1-2 pair long pants
  • ◻   1 sweatshirt
  • ◻   1 pair close-toed shoes (think warmth and traction – possible snow and mud)
  • ◻  PJs
  • ◻  Sleeping bag and pillow
  • ◻  Bedroll 
 / Sleeping Pad
  • ◻  Winter coat ( for all possible types of weather – snow and rain)
  • ◻  Small towel, and washcloth 
(we will not have showers but sinks can be used to wash)
  • ◻  Gallon ziplock bags for wet transport
  • ◻   Gloves 
and beanie
  • ◻   Toiletries – no makeup
  • ◻   Flashlight
  • ◻   Reusable water bottle
  • ◻   Cell Phone / Tablet and Charger (cell phone may come on this trip – primarily for taking photos and data project, but it should be used as little as possible)


  • Do Not Pack
  • ◻   Make-up
  • ◻   Food (Including candy and gum)
  • ◻   Drink (Excluding water bottle)
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