9th Grade Crow Canyon

Our last meeting will be Monday April 29th at 5:30pm in the Commons. Students and parents must attend this last meeting. Students will bring their bags packed; we will go through them to make sure students have what they need for the trip.


Important Forms Due March 2oth:

Crow Canyon Medical Form

MMA Crow Canyon Self Medication

Crow Canyon Dietary Needs

MMA Crow Canyon Fieldtrip Permission Form


Information and Packing Lists:

Parent and Student Information Packet

Packing List

Crow Canyon Packing List


Hoodie and T-Shirt Orders Due March 8th:


Hoodie Tshirt Order Form


Student and Parent Meeting February 27th:

There is a mandatory meeting for all students and their parents attending Crow Canyon. You will be receiving information and important paperwork at the meeting.

Wednesday February 27th 6:00pm in the Jr High Commons.


Important Dates:

October 13th Male Chaperone intent emailed to Ms Leigh

November 9th $50.00 Deposit (pay at the office) Due

November 9th Signed Contract (hand in to Ms Leigh) Due

January 31st Final Student & Chaperone Payment Due

May 3rd Parent and Student Meeting in the Commons

May 5th – May 11th Crow Canyon Trip



Crow Canyon Parent Letter

Crow Canyon Student Contract

Crow Canyon Presentation

Crow Canyon Website – http://crowcanyon.org/

Mountain Waters Website – https://durangorafting.com/






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