Weber High Registration – 9th graders

Dear Families,

9th graders who are planning on going to Weber High next year will be attending a meeting with the Weber High school counselors on February 20th from 8:35-9:35 in Ms. Shilo’s classroom. We will send home registration packets early next week. These packets are due back on the 20th. You  must also provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate and immunizations since your child will be newly registering in Weber School District.

The counselors will be here to help students register for the classes that will help lead to their goals for college or careers. Although students can not register online at this time there is a lot of important information found HERE

If you have questions please reach out to Ms. Kacee or Ms. Andrea

Students who are not attending Weber High will need to contact their chosen high school to determine the registration process. We are more than happy to help if you need. Please let us know.

Although we will miss your student next year we are so excited to see and feel the light they will bring to the world because they attended MMA.

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