Suicide Prevention and MMA’s Hope Squad Program (parents, please read)

We appreciate the presentation Weber County Health provided our student body yesterday.  They did a fantastic job talking candidly about suicide, the verbal, situation, and behavior warning signs. The students were each given a warning sign and asked to move to the area of the classroom matching it to the appropriate category. They taught the students about Q.P.R. and how it’s like C.P.R. in being equipped with the knowledge of being a first responder.

Q – Questioning

Each student was given the chance to practice verbalizing “Are you thinking of suicide?” with the instructor.

P – persuade

To persuade someone who may be in a suicide crisis to anyone who is the position to offer help like parents, teachers, police, neighbors, squad leaders, etc.

R – Refer

Taking them to the gatekeeper, a person in a position to help, for  a referral to a interventionist.

QPR’s intent is also to identify and interrupt the crisis and direct that person to the proper care.


The school is currently developing a Hope Squad program. These students will meet twice a month with our counselor, Ms. Valeri, to receive training for at risk students, provide friendship, identify warning signs, and seek help from adults. Hope Squad members are empowered to seek help and save a life.  This is a state wide program called “Hope for Utah.”  There are currently 5013 members is the state.  2874 student have been referred for help through this organization.

Check it out:

To nominate yourself or a fellow student use the following Google link:

Please reach out to Ms. Valeri with questions,

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