Daily Behavior Report Card


This past week I started a new way to let the students each take responsibility for their daily behaviors. They are each tracking on a “report card” (half sheet) document which asks them 7 questions that they are to honestly answer.

These are the questions. 1.  I followed expectations (no, sometimes, yes) 2. I participated in assigned lessons (no, sometimes, yes) 3. I participated well during work cycle (no, sometimes, yes) 4. I cooperated with others (no, sometimes, yes) 5. I respected the property of others (no, sometimes, yes) 6. I did not disrupt or distract the classroom (no, sometimes, yes) 7. I am happy with my behavior (no, sometimes, yes)

At the end of the day, I ask each of the students to fill this out. I am keeping them for our PTC.  Each student has a manila folder which has their name on it. It will have some of their work they will share with you. This will include: writing, drawing, math, various assignments they have worked on.

I am really trying to help them to be accountable for their “own” behavior and the effort they put forth each day to do their “best” work.

I wanted to have you aware of this so you will know that you will be able to see this documentation when you come to visit.

Thank you for helping your student to do his/her best everyday and to be responsible as they learn to be independent in their environment.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

Practical Life- Holiday experiences


If you cook and or prepare anything special for holiday time coming up and would be willing to come share it with our class I would love to have you come.

If you make candy or cookies or particular kinds of breads that we could do a “practical life” experience in the afternoon or morning. Our schedule can be flexible if I know ahead of time.

I have shared a library book about Hanukkah and wanted to take about other special ways this time of year is celebrated. Please email me and let me know. lbowman@mariamontessoriacademy.org

Thank you so much for sharing your time and talents with the students.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan


Lower Elementary Music Concert


This coming up Monday, December 9th is your students music concert. This begins at 5:30 p.m.

Please plan on attending with your student. They have worked hard to prepare a wonderful treat for you. I got a sneak peak today and it was very amazing what they have learned by Ms. Sarah. She is an amazing music teacher.

Thank you for supporting your student and making sure that they come and participate in this special event.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

December 2- Welcome Back

Just wanted to let you know I’m happy to have your student return after our “week” out. Please have them ready to review and get started with our new month.

Parent Teacher Conference is coming up and holiday time. I’m hoping to see each of you at one of the three day choices for PTC. Please let me know if I need to make other arrangements with a time frame for you. I can be accommodating if need be.

This week I will be reviewing our “Grace and Courtesy” our “CHAMPS” and our “work chart/work time in class.”

Each of your students are special to me and I want the very best for them as they return back from our little break and then get ready to have another break for the holidays again.

Thank you for your continued support in helping your child to be prepared each day with their lunch, their minds ready to focus on learning and having a good day at school.


Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

Happy Thanksgiving

I just wanted to wish all my students and their families a very Happy Thanksgiving and a very special time with your loved ones this week.

I truly appreciate each of you as parents and thank you for your help and your support to our class and the support I have felt on my behalf as I have started this “new adventure” this year.


Ms. Leslee

Gratitude Feast- Friday- November 22



Please go on and see where you can help out for this special event.

We really need to have all community support in order for this to succeed.

Thank you so much for your time and your consideration to help us give a “thank you” to those who serve our community.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan

Pizza Pie Cafe- Parents- Monday night event

Pizza pie cafe!! Can you plead forward to parents-

Calling all Mma Families!!
We have 2 more Monday where pizza pie is donating 10% of their days profit to our school!!!  This is a win win, promoting local business and getting some extra money for our school!!
Be sure to mention Mma at the register 🙂
Thanks again for all your hard work to make our school community the very best for our kids!!

Heather Koci
Mapa vp

Parent Teacher Conferences


Parent Teacher Conference is coming up on Wednesday 17th -Thursday- 19th of December.

I will be doing a 25-30 minute conference with each student. I will be putting together a schedule which you may email me and let me know what will work best for you.

Please plan on having your child come with you to this special event. It is a great time to discuss goals and progress and have your child present his/her portfolio of work which they have been working on up to this point.

Please look at the schedule which I will post over the weekend so you can plan on picking a date and time.

Thank you so much for your continued support to your child’s education.

Ms. Leslee and Ms. Susan